The Five Phases of Trump

jason kraus

Each week I gather as much information as I can pertaining to the happenings in the World. As this takes place ideas or subjects jump out at me that I feel are important to expand upon. This week has been truly bizarre. Seemingly everyday Wikileaks is releasing past Clinton criminality […]

Ignorance will never be blissful

jason kraus

Last week a conversation took place of which I became privy. One individual (let’s call her a cross between Margaret and Marilyn, Thatcher and Monroe) was patiently trying to explain to another individual (let’s call her a combo between Bernie Sanders and nataS) why, despite the ignorance of the media and […]

Freedom is too important.

jason kraus

I have a friend who likes to gamble. We used to have that in common. Don’t get me wrong.  I still like to gamble once in a while. I just don’t like to lose…so I’ve stopped. Needless to say when we did find ourselves in Reno, Tahoe, or Vegas, we’d […]

Enough is Enough

jason kraus

I was in my early thirties and playing in a rec basketball league.  I like movement, quick cuts, lots of shots, and a clean game. Of course if you bang me around I’m coming back at you twice as hard. (I knew a guy who always played fair until the […]

Trump’s one big problem

jason kraus

Let’s just get down to it. If Donald Trump is elected his biggest issue won’t be “building the wall”. That is basic construction, furthermore, America put a man on the moon. We can build a wall. His largest problem won’t be deporting tens of millions of humans here illegally. By […]

The Rule of Law no longer exists in America

jason kraus

Almost two decades ago (seemingly a lifetime) I had the unfortunate experience of working for an individual whom I did not like. This person had all the prerequisites. Communicated poorly, lied, cheated on their spouse, institutional fraud, etc. Without walking down the entire path again it is fair to say […]

Why do you Matter?

jason kraus

For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you will recognize Trinity County and Del Loma, California. For those of you who haven’t, Del Loma, California is a tiny town (population 30) in Trinity County adjacent to the better known County of Humboldt (those of you unfamiliar with Humboldt County…good […]

Eat Your Dirty Laundry

jason kraus

“I make my living off the evening news Just give me something Something I can use People love it when you lose They love dirty laundry” For those of you who enjoy the music of the Eighties you may recognize the writing of Don Henley and his hit song Dirty […]

Obama hasn’t a clue about the QuEUe

jason kraus

One morning, as a young boy, my brother and I were standing outside a small store awaiting the exit of our father, who was inside finishing up some business with a client.  After a few minutes we began to look for something to do.  One of us noticed a bottle […]

Fear has no place in the strong

jason kraus

Every action has a reaction. What seems to be the simplest of things can, will, and does open doors to life changing opportunities. But for this to happen an action must first take place. Life in general favors the willing. Those who engage freely leaving trepidation behind. Fear has no […]