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As the world turned this week the banking “crisis” was the next thing on the list.

Covid’s over, or at least on the back burner, to be released at later date.

“Climate Change” just isn’t that sexy to the newer generations anymore and they are wary of John Kerry whose jets seems to never be idle.

Yep, this week it was the banks, and because some Liberal money laundering institutions in the Bay Area got caught with their pants down, the entire system was about to fail.

I visited a few branches this week and spoke to different people on different days.

“Anybody pulling all of their money?”

The answer was a resounding no, of course I didn’t deal with banks that harbored money for criminals named Pelosi, Newsom, BLM, and La Raza, collectively known and connected, to the Mexican drug cartels.

You want to see how California elections happen every two years spend a few hours watching Narcos Mexico.

I digress.

After more than a few discussions it appears, aside from the talking heads, no one is too concerned with their bank failing.

Of course those of us with brains know this house of cards has to crash eventually but so far the population seems comfortable with the status quo.

I traveled home and pulled up the internet where everything changed in a New York minute.

Janet Felon Yellen and her cronies announced to the world the banking system is “sound and resilient”.

Go get your money folks.

This is akin to Jim Cramer saying “buy buy buy” and everyone who wants to keep their cash turns and sells sells sells.

It’s comparable to doing the exact opposite of whatever Mark Cuban is frothing while off his Adderall.

Janet Just Stop Yellen is the ultimate jinx, the sure fire time to bet red, when she goes black.

She’s so cursed that if she told you to stay on twenty, with the blackjack dealer showing a six, you better take that card.

Heck, taking a card with 21 would still give you a better chance than listening to Another Planet Janet.

She’s never right.


The only person who has racked up more fails than Yellen is her boss and he doesn’t know where he is half of the time while spending the other half calling a crack addict a genius, his wife his sister and wandering around his daughter’s shower.

Let’s go Brandon, and while Brandon drools his way through the weekend, you may want to load up on a few things, and some corn.

If NostraYellen is at it again a whole bunch of stuff is about to go pop.

Jason Kraus

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