The Rule of Law no longer exists in America

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Almost two decades ago (seemingly a lifetime) I had the unfortunate experience of working for an individual whom I did not like.

This person had all the prerequisites.

Communicated poorly, lied, cheated on their spouse, institutional fraud, etc.

Without walking down the entire path again it is fair to say it wasn’t a positive experience.

I rarely think about this walking cold sore as my time now is spent moving forward with my life but if one day horrible things were to happen to this individual I will nod and acknowledge the arrival of karma.

With that said I would vote for this foul piece of feces everyday, and twice on Sunday, over Hillary Clinton.

Too many times over the years we’ve heard “this is the most important election in our lifetime”.

The Liberals have ranted (if Trump is elected) that the country will be taken over by “Nazis” or “White Supremacists”.

Children will collapse without “a free education”.

Citizens will choke from dirty air and water and old people will die from a lack of medical care.

Aside from this all being false I’m quite sure millions of humans didn’t die at the hands of the Nazis because they didn’t receive a “free education”.

Medical care, dirty water and air don’t make much of a difference either when you are being MURDERED with guns, knives, rifle butts, and bare hands.

Nothing quite like a Progressive…then again they should know.

Black Lies Matter, CAIR, and La Raza are all Naziesque.

Many Conservatives on the other hand continue to wistfully call for the return of Ronald Reagan.

This is the same man who gave the Liberals both of what they are screaming for now and frankly a big part of the reason we are in this mess now.

Amnesty and free medical care (IRCA and EMTALA, 1986).

Disregarding a Herbert Walker, Bill Clinton followed with eight years of absurdity, Bush gave us eight more of pure lunacy, and then we graduated to full blown arrogance, stupidity, and asininity with Barack Insane Obama.

A little known fact is this.

Every single one of these individuals GREW the Federal Government…whether we want to admit it or not.

Rather than really understanding how humans actually work, Plato, Adam Smith, Abraham Maslow, etc., the individual American has given way to “group think”.

Free Will has been replaced with “Gender Rights”, “Racial Rights”, Republicans, Democrats, Progressive Liberals, and Compassionate Conservatives.

After listening to thirty seconds of FOX, MSNBC, CNN, or lately ESPN, most believe they can speak from a knowledgeable point of view.

I’m not sure which is more dangerous.

The narcissism or the inanity of it all.

Through all the madness, the Central Banks continue to extract wealth from individuals, every second of the day.

One need only watch the “debt clock” to see this madness in action as every dollar in debt, is another taken, from the Individual.

But hey “what difference does it make?”

This time it will make a very big “difference”.

The Rule of Law no longer exists in America.

The only reason anarchy hasn’t broken out is most of us are good people who aren’t looking to hurt others.

Still, the longer any behavior continues, the more “conditioned” most will become.

Like Pavlovian dogs when the bell rings, too many start to salivate, not realizing the bell isn’t our friend.

Trump is not a savior.

He isn’t God.

He is a man who hopefully will get an opportunity to put the Rule of Law back in place.

Yes I will absolutely vote for Donald Trump, but the most important part of Trump being elected, isn’t what he will do, rather it shows, America has finally awakened.

This is what makes this election so important.

Are our eyes finally open?

I don’t know.

As I am writing this now, and possibly as you are reading, another member of law enforcement was murdered.

This time in Kansas City.

Sadly this probably won’t be the last before I publish this column.

There is quite a bit of instability and fear in the country, and world right now, as the culture of freedom gives ground to the culture of oppression.

Living free without fear is a choice.

A conscious decision.

Nothing is free in this world.


Everything comes with a cost.

Whether you believe that or not…is irrelevant.

Too many have paid with their lives in America, for us to simply go quietly, into the night.

Remember what we are.

Human Beings gifted with Free Will who do not cower, will not waver, and never quit.

In other words…An AMERICAN.

Jason Kraus

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