Love One Another

jason kraus

Eckhart Tolle once wrote about the process of “presence” or “being”. William Shakespeare spoke about this as well, long ago, in the ever famous line, “to be or not to be that is the question.” I believe the concept of “being” is the positive evolution of the animal known as […]

“Is Barack Obama a muslim?”

jason kraus

Come on already.  It’s an easy question to answer. “Is Barack Obama a muslim?” When you watch Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the muslim issue is brought up it is very clear by their body language where they stand. They believe Obama is a muslim. They aren’t alone. My […]


jason kraus

Let’s understand how this really works shall we. The Republican Party doesn’t answer to you, me, or the United States Constitution. They answer to their donors. Reince Priebus and his cohorts only exist because they continue to receive money from, presumably, Americans. Let’s fast forward and for sake of this […]

Step into the fray

jason kraus

Most humans will inherently do the right thing…or at a minimum won’t do the wrong thing. This isn’t a Pollyannic view or a glass is half full mentality.  It’s how most of us are.  Otherwise nothing would ever be accomplished.  Most crime (aside from drug usage) happens in short bursts. […]

Political Parties are the Past…Free the American Citizen

jason kraus

Simply put the definition of Democracy is the Majority ruling over the Minority.  You may get some pseudo-intellectuals (lawyers/professors)  pontificating around the edges but stripping away all the noise Democracy is about the Majority dictating to the Minority. Those in the Majority think this is great…those in the Minority…not so […]

14th Amendment

jason kraus

Recently I listened to Chris Matthews of MSNBC state “the Democrats want the border open for the votes and the Republicans want it open for the cheap labor”. Chris Matthews has said many things that are wrong but on this one he is absolutely correct…and everyone knows it. When I […]


jason kraus

It appears the political world has decided Donald Trump is a powerful force.  DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus,  among many, have waded in with attacks in the Donald sweepstakes. “News” organizations such as FOX, CNN, and MSNBC have filled their airwaves with Trump quotes hoping […]

Give your voice to America

jason kraus

While in Oklahoma doors continued to open as lovers of freedom and readers of Late Bird spread the word all over the country.  Never doubt the strength of one American voice. Your voice.  My voice. OUR voice! Shoulder to shoulder. One voice at a time. The call of America has […]

A child may lead us

jason kraus

Recently as I finished speaking with an office manager at a local successful business I was asked about my trip to Oklahoma. “I’m heading out to meet Americans face to face.  We’ve got some problems to fix.” Behind me a young yet powerful voice resonated through the room. “Barack Obama […]

Furnace and Fire.

jason kraus

To anyone not in these United States, even the oppressors, America is equated with Freedom. Dictators and tyrants abhor freedom so they in return abhor America. This is something those of us who pay attention understand. People who practice Systemic Human Oppression such as Communism or Islam, regardless of nation […]