We say grace and ma’am and if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn

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Liberals continue to scream about the loss of Democracy and most Republican politicians mimic this belief.

Is it any wonder we are where we are?

If a physician prescribes aspirin for your heart, a blood thinner, and you instead decide to eat donuts every morning, one shouldn’t be surprised when they are clutching their chest and screaming for someone to call 911.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again.  The United States is a Constitutional Republic.

A Constitutional Republic is a Freedom based model.

Democracy is the slide away from Aristocracy, Timocracy, and Oligarchy into Tyranny.

This is called Socratic Theory.

Liberals in both Parties have either never heard of Socrates or think they are smarter than the man Western Philosophy refers to as its Father.

My guess is at least ninety-five percent of Democrats in Congress cannot explain Socratic Theory in its simplest form and if they cannot explain it then what does that say about their constituency?

In this day and age being a registered Democrat is proof enough that one is Anti-American.

That’s a pretty strong statement Jason some will say.

If strong means accurate then you would be correct.

To be an American means to cherish Freedom.

The United States has been colored or described many ways over the last two plus centuries but at the forefront is always Freedom.

Individual Freedom.

Now we are inundated by the masses or group think.

CAIR, La Raza, BLM, Sanctuary Cities, and Climate Changers are all Democratic groups.

If a lie is repeated enough it becomes part of everyday life.

Notice I didn’t say it becomes true.

Lies regardless of repetition are still lies and create false premises in the minds of the weak and unstable.

An example of this was found this week, on a television talk show, I happened upon while on my way to watch highlights of MMA, otherwise known as one of Meryl’s favorite sports.

I’m surprised Streep and Kaepernick haven’t come together to form the “diversity coalition” known as deaf, dumb, and kneel.

I digress.

The aforementioned talk show topic pertained to a “writer” who had apparently needed a plumber.  When the plumber arrived he had a “southern accent” and because of this the “writer” created a story in his own head that the plumber (who’d been invited to the man’s location and was quite pleasant according to the “writer”) was probably a Trump voter and thereby dangerous.

Due to no facts whatsoever the “writer” became afraid that the man with an accent was going to hurt him because, again, he perceived him to be a Trump supporter.


Can’t live with them…don’t want to.

I’m not sure which is more pathetic.

The usage of stereotyping, the outright bigotry, or this guy admitting to being the biggest puss in the world.

I mean come on already Sally.  Just step to the side.  Your participation EBT card and rent controlled voucher is on its way.

I still think the crushing debt in America is our greatest danger but gaining ground quickly is the continuing procreation of the Liberal man and woman.

In order to save our Republic we may have to create a new fund.

We can garner proceeds by asking Americans at each election to donate a few dollars to go towards birth control for all Liberals.

This should be in triplicate mode if economically possible as we know Liberals struggle with the concept of having intercourse without Planned Parenthood Protection.

Who’s down with PPP?  A little Naughty by Natcha but not cuz I hate cha Progressives.

Americans don’t hate whiny little men who need a baby wipe because a plumber with a drawl said y’all.

“We pity the fools” besides we know what they are.

They are the supporters of Castro and Guevara or said another way Adolph and Osama.

The only difference between Fidel and Che and the Chief Nazi were Panzer tanks and a general named Rommel.

The United States is filled with men and women born and bred from the courage of Bunker Hill and Lexington.

Omaha and Normandy Beach.

We give thanks, “say grace and ma’am and if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn”.

Courtesy of an American.  Last name Williams first name Hank.

Now head back to your toilet that the American fixed and try standing up when you tinkle Sprinkles.

It’s better for the spine…not that it’ll matter to you.

Jason Kraus


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