Thank you Dad

jason kraus

In this day and age the verbiage used in everyday discussion is neglect and void. Neglect of substance. Void of humility. Too many are self-proclaimed “geniuses” or “experts” or the “greatest of all time”. Lost souls referring to themselves as God, Jesus, or followers of Bernie Sanders . Oy vey. […]

In Memoriam

jason kraus

How do you say thank you, to humans you’ve never met in this world, and never will? How? How do you say thank you to those still on Bunker Hill? At Gettysburg? Those still on the beach at Omaha or Normandy? Those still located around the 38th Parallel. How do […]

We Have Your Six Mr. President

jason kraus

ABC ran a long piece on the “philanthropy” of George Soros and how he is currently being demonized due to anti-semitism. Insert laughter here. George Soros supported and still supports Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the traitors known as the Democratic Party. There is a word for this and it […]

Mother’s Day

jason kraus

Everyday something new, and quite frankly bizarre, seems to happen in these United States. Each morning “and as I rise” (Alabama) I no longer check to see whether there is  “new” news.  There doesn’t seem to be an original thought on television anymore and the humor has disappeared completely. Everyday […]

Breaking the law is no longer a crime

jason kraus

James Comey sat in front of the world and stated that Huma Abedin had committed multiple crimes and yet not one politician called for her indictment. Not one. Comey furthered his part of ruining America and proving that emasculation does indeed physically exist by proclaiming to be “mildly nauseous”. His […]

To be an American moral choices must be made

jason kraus

As always there is a lot going on in the world.  Information and misinformation flows continuously.  The days of taking anything at face value are long gone.  I’ve received many questions from concerned Americans about what is happening to our country and what they can do to stop this runaway […]

We can’t be Kind-Of-Free

jason kraus

It was the early nineties and some of my teammates and I were in a van riding to a baseball game in Southern California.  I don’t remember how the conversation began but one of my teammates started in about no longer being black but rather an African-American. This was the […]

Liberals in La La Land

jason kraus

Liberals before the Obama “red line” in Syria was enforced: “Trump is a misogynistic, racist, homophobic, bigot who was elected because of Vladimir Putin.” Liberals after: “The bombs are beautiful (cue Brian Williams), Mr. Trump is now our President. Vladimir who?” Liberals 24 hours later: “Trump is getting us into […]

Firing with both fists

jason kraus 5

Courage is not assertion without fear. Courage is assertion in spite of fear and comes in many forms, shapes, and sizes. I was reminded of this a few days ago while having a conversation. The individual I was speaking with was making jokes after receiving yet another round of chemotherapy. […]