Fear has no place in the strong

FAN Moderator

Every action has a reaction. What seems to be the simplest of things can, will, and does open doors to life changing opportunities.

But for this to happen an action must first take place.

Life in general favors the willing.

Those who engage freely leaving trepidation behind.

Fear has no place in the strong and no room in the soul of The American.

Our strength comes from generations willing to strike out on their own dreaming huge dreams, toiling long hours, never giving up, never giving in.

Our advancement is found in the acceptance of adversity as a challenge to be overcome and overcome we have.

As always we are faced with new struggles and greater adversity to our free will, freedom, and our way of life.

Let us not see this as a problem but rather a purpose.

Let us open American hearts and United minds and State the truth about our mission.

As the moon does her job with gentle waves, we step forward as Citizens of the greatest nation in the history of man to do ours, standing shoulder to shoulder in defense of freedom.

The power of the truth resides in each one of you.

Cast the truth far and wide as only the Individual American can.

Be not unwilling or afraid.

Freedom requires the brave and always favors the righteous or in other words…The American.

Let us be kind in our ways, fierce in our humility, and gentle with our grace as we create a firewall in protection of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

You’re damn right I do.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.


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