Trump’s one big problem

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Let’s just get down to it.

If Donald Trump is elected his biggest issue won’t be “building the wall”.

That is basic construction, furthermore, America put a man on the moon.

We can build a wall.

His largest problem won’t be deporting tens of millions of humans here illegally.

By the way don’t believe the “10-12 million number”.

There are dramatically more humans here illegally than that.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, etc., won’t be his biggest problems either.

Nor will bad trade deals, the media, Rosie O’Donnell, or Islam.

Notice I didn’t say ISIS.

I said Islam, Sunnis and Shiites.

The overwhelming issue Donald Trump (and the rest of us) will have to deal with are the Central Banks around the world.

Specifically the IMF (International Monetary Fund and overseer of the Central Banks #Christine Lagarde) and the Federal Reserve.

Sadly 95 percent of the citizens of America don’t recognize the words Central Bank (and of even greater consternation I doubt even one percent know about the IMF) and more importantly don’t understand how their quality of life is being chipped away one day at a time as trillions of dollars, euros, and yen are extracted from the masses and trapped by these ignominious creations, that only serve the greed of a few.

Even the trillions in capital, these all encompassing creatures have consumed, isn’t enough.

As their addiction to control heightens, their willingness to reach beyond, and into the economic heart of the world, is crushing what were once sovereign nations, eating away at centuries of the “Invisible Hand”.

Think of it as a meth addict who has sold everything they have, including their body, their children, their children’s children, and then promised the lives of the unborn just to get their “fix”.

This is what is happening right now and for all you economic and behavioral neophytes this is not called Capitalism.

It’s called corruption.

This type of corruption always leads to WAR and not the stupid, infantile word games going on between Obama, Putin, Hollande, and Merkel.

Actual WAR where countries bomb each other, where humans are murdered daily, where chaos reigns.

Similar to what the “JV team” is doing right now.

Trump himself has mentioned his concern a few times, that the collapse of the fraudulent inflated markets, (due to the Central Banks) will happen on his watch.

He is smart to entertain these thoughts as he is right.

Bush thought he could ignore the deregulation done by Clinton (Glass/Steagall 1999) and leave the mess for the next guy.

As we all know 2008 landed right on him, and those that probably consumed paste as children, opined for the Clinton days of old.

Give em books and they eat the pages.

Let me be clear.

George W. Bush was and is still a malignant tumor on America, and an enemy of Freedom, but he didn’t open Pandora’s Box of bigoted and leveraged housing.

He simply ignored it and then decided some Sunnis (Iraq) needed killing while eventually (through Obama) opening the door for the Shiite (Iran).

Some will say this language is a bit harsh.

To them I will say had our language been harsh thousands in our military may still be alive.

“The truth is like poetry…and most people f*&cking hate poetry”. Quote from The Big Short.


I digress.

Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, and Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Chairmen and Chairwoman) all willingly admit they “missed” the last housing boom and bust.

How is it that the smartest (supposed) people trained in the field of economics missed what the rest of us knew was happening all along?

They didn’t.

They are either bonafide morons or complicit characters.

There is no room for any other option and although “marble mouth” Yellen is a nightmare to listen to…she isn’t stupid.

She’s a fraud.

Just like Greenspan, just like Bernanke, just like Clinton(s), just like Bush, just like Obama.

We have allowed the physically weak, morally bankrupt, and evil personified to dictate to us from up on Mount High.

Idiotic charlatan “funny men” like Bill Maher, John Stewart, and sometimes Bill O’Reilley (I say sometimes because he is never funny and occasionally not wrong) are treated like GODS while propping up this charade known as “democracy”.


We are a Constitutional Republic…or at least we use to be.

The Federal Reserve has taken hold of our Freedom and doles out snippets of oxygen through the Federal Government via “programs”.

We have housing and food programs for the “poor”.

Programs for the “needy”, the tired, the lazy, the drug induced, the alcohol imbibers, the crack pipe connoisseur, the emotionally challenged, the banks, the car manufacturers, the “green energy” crowd, Solyndra, and the Elon Musk’s of the world.

We even pay people to sit in prison and if the Democratic Governor in the State of Virginia had his way felons would be able to vote.

Terry McAuliffe.  Another rotten branch from the Clinton tree of monarchy.

This is all happening because the Federal Reserve is allowing the United States of America to “borrow” any and all amounts it deems necessary.

A question was asked of one of the Fed Chairs a while back.

“Aren’t we going to run out of money by constantly borrowing and spending?’

The pompous twit answered “no” that we would never run out of money, that governments can always create more “money”.

“What we will run out of are assets.”

In other words there will always be money…just nothing to spend it on.

For some this is hard to imagine.

For others that reality has already arrived.

Many say “this will never happen in my lifetime”… and there you have it…the meth addict in our midst.

Selling off their body, their children, their children’s children, and the lives of the unborn…just to get their fix.

Jason Kraus

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