Protect Trans Kids

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Driving in Northern California these days has dramatically improved. The log jams, horns blaring, and “electric” cars on the side of the road in need of a gas powered generator, are gone.

For months I drive where I want, when I want, without any thought of leaving early to accommodate traffic.

There is no doubt.

Significantly less humans are in Cali these days, or at a minimum, those that are still here do not have a car, cannot afford the gas, or are homeless.

Crime is horrendous, graffiti and trash everywhere, and I guarantee Gavin Newsom will be re-elected, as I passed a car this week that solidified my prediction.

No, it wasn’t a Biden/Harris sticker, although they are here.

Nothing about BLM or Antifa although I did view a car on its last legs with a Bernie button.

I’m certain that driver was vaxxed and boosted so they shouldn’t be an issue for too much longer.

I witnessed two things this week that told me no more polling need be done to predict the outcome of the California Gubernatorial election.

First, as I walked through a grocery store an obese individual, with a mask, dug into one of the ice cream freezers to extricate some low carb, sugar free ice cream.

This was done as he held a gargantuan loaf of “garlic bread”.

This is definitely a NewsomBiden voter.

For the sake of humanity I pray this man has been jabbed or at least snipped.

The second thing witnessed in the Golden State was a first for me.

A car drove by with a “Protect Trans Kids” sticker.

What about all the other kids?

I could understand and even applaud a sticker with “Protect Kids from the Catholic Church”.

I’ll agree on one that states, “Protect Kids from Gangs, Drugs, and Cartels.”

I’ll roar my approval for a bumper that says,”Protect Late-Term Kids” or PKFF.

Protect Kids From Fauci.


Not in California.

Children in California are beaten, strangled, molested, or murdered every single day.

Most of these atrocities are ignored or when an arrest is made the perp is quickly let out of jail to return and continue to torture the aforementioned.

This has happened for decades.

Newsom even stopped the executions of the worst of the worst sitting on death row.

This State has never “protected” children and continues to allow at term abortion.

Protect Trans Kids?


By cutting off their genitals?

Drugging them with synthetic hormones?

The Golden State has beautiful weather.

Almost everything else is a disaster.

You want to protect your kids?

Get em out of Kalifornication.

As fast as you can.

Jason Kraus

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