Why do you Matter?

FAN Moderator

For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you will recognize Trinity County and Del Loma, California.

For those of you who haven’t, Del Loma, California is a tiny town (population 30) in Trinity County adjacent to the better known County of Humboldt (those of you unfamiliar with Humboldt County…good for you as back in the 70’s and 80’s it was synonymous with marijuana).

I’d just been named to the twelve year old “major league” all-star baseball team that covered Weaverville and the small mill towns up and down the Trinity River.

Feeling quite proud of myself I strode down the middle of the trailer park my family owned and managed.

As I moved down the gravel road and passed different single wide trailers, not a word was said to me.

It was as though they didn’t realize an “all-star” was in their midst.

After passing  three quarters of the park I said to my brother “I can’t believe no one is saying anything. Don’t they realize I am representing them, that I matter?”

Ah…the egocentrism of a child.

I’m laughing at myself as I write this.

Fortunately while maturing and experiencing life, humility and knowledge were both uncovered.

The realization that there are BILLIONS of humans on the planet having their OWN personal experience is a fascinating and sobering thought to those who actually think.

The things that matter, and the things that don’t, become very clear when the struggles of life occur.

Being a man or woman doesn’t mean you matter.

Neither does being gay or straight.

Those that think the color of their skin (any color) matters are bigots and the weak links in a free society.

The concept of diversity pertaining to the color of a human’s skin also shows a lack of intelligence and self-awareness.

No situation is better with the addition of citizens because of the level of melanin in their body.

To think so is unadulterated ignorance.

Neighborhoods become better, safer places to live and raise children when responsible, ethical, hard working people live in those environments.

It has nothing to do with skin color and yes I can and do speak from EXPERIENCE.

Unfortunately some in our government believe that moving “brown and black” humans into “white” neighborhoods will “diversify” us.

What bigots like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Julian Castro are really saying is this:

Black and Brown humans are incapable of creating their own quality neighborhoods and must live among Whites.

Of course this is false and this same type of “irrationalization” was used to create Affirmative Action, the attempt at Ebonics as a “black” language, the allowance of the dangerous growth of La Raza, and the term “token”.

Imagine if we implemented the same types of programs everywhere in our country.

Let’s take athletics.

Black and Brown humans receive four strikes in baseball rather than three.

In football Black and Brown humans have to be tackled twice to be considered down.

In soccer “non-whites” can use their hands, and in basketball a layup counts as three and a three counts as four depending upon the color of your skin.

It wouldn’t be long before White humans would stop competing in these organizations and move on to create their own leagues…or neighborhoods.

Sadly this is exactly what has happened for decades across America through Federally induced, financially and morally bankrupt housing programs (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through Clinton, Bush, and Obama) and how Pandora’s Box was initially opened that created the last housing crisis…and the current one awaiting its day of reckoning.

Of course these programs are wrong and antithetical to one of the strengths of living in the United States.

Freedom of Movement.

Humans in America can move anywhere they like at anytime.

We don’t need Federal programs to do so.

In fact if you don’t like being in these United States one can head south into Mexico, Guatemala, or Honduras and for the cost of a plane ticket can land almost anywhere in the world.

Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, and Liberia are all available.

To attempt to financially incentivize some, while punishing others, because of the color of their skin, is fomenting anger and frustration while making neighborhoods LESS safe.

Furthermore because Americans have the Freedom of Movement those who don’t want to live with humans who are being subsidized with their neighbors tax dollars will move, weakening the society as tax paying citizens jettison their towns, streets, and wards.

Terminology like “White Flight” and “Regentrification” have been created to explain the exodus and then return.

This isn’t a theory.

It’s already happened in Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco and will continue as long as Progressivism reigns.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Many politicians in San Francisco, through “regulation and regentrification”, have driven up prices and driven out the “poor” over the last decade.

To liberals poor means “black and brown” or “mentally ill” and they are quietly forcing the results of their progressive policies out of their own “backyards” and into rural California and sometimes Nevada depending upon the bus schedules.

For those who need “proof” multiple stories in liberal “rags” such as the L.A. Times and the S.F. Chronicle covering these issues exist.

Stop being so lazy and do your own research Pelosi supporters.

Not that you care…you bigots are voting for this.

Ah the Democratic Party or otherwise known as the Party of the Klan (Robert Byrd), La Raza (Luis Guiterrez),  CAIR (Maxine Waters), and Black Lives Matter (Barack Hussein Obama).

Ward Connerly and Shelby Steele (both humans with black skin) warned against this type of thinking and outlined exactly what would happen.

Years ago in Steele’s case and decades ago for Connerly.

I am sure they are both disappointed to be correct.

Yet correct they are as the Progressive agenda plays on surrounded by more promises of “free healthcare, education, and a guaranteed living wage”.

One need only look to Venezuela to see the end of the road for those who allow the takeover of the private sector through “government intervention.”

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, etc., are also examples.

We have another name for this.

It’s called Organized Crime.

Al Capone would be so proud of his fellow Chicagoan(s).

While the Central Banks continue to drive up the cost of stocks, housing, food, energy, and everything else the American citizen needs to survive and thrive too many are willing to focus on ” historical proximity to the sun” (skin color).

The Human Experience begins and ends everyday across the world.

Those who focus on the color of anyone’s skin will rue the day that so much of their life, time, and energy was wasted.

It is egregious and egocentric to give something, no one has control over, so much attention.

It’s also a poor usage of time and resources.

There are important things to address in the world.

Human trafficking, rape, child molestation, never ending wars, the imprisonment of the Clintons, Bush, and Obama, and the criminality of Central Banks are just a few.

If your skin color is so important that you are willing to abuse others and/or ignore the abuse of others then please take a deep breath and listen closely as I say this.

You don’t matter…and you never will.

Furthermore for those of you who support the murder of law enforcement (quietly or otherwise) or are calling for them to be “fried like bacon” I STRONGLY suggest you check your hole card.

When the bullets started flying in Dallas (and you fled like cowards, unwilling to clean up the mess you created) it was the “PIGS” that ran into the fire and gave their lives for you.

Those that think Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore are rough places to live now…just wait until no one is willing to defend you anymore.

One more thing for all the “liberals”.

I was in Law Enforcement and assigned to a County Jail as a Sheriff’s Deputy.

I know therefore I speak.

Our primary job was to ensure that our fellow Deputies, inmates, and ourselves were all alive at the end of each shift.

I’ve been kicked, punched, spit on, watched an inmate eat his own feces, and had my life threatened, and at the end of each shift those of us who started were all there in the end…including the inmates.

Inmates who had raped and sodomized women, beaten family members and strangers, and mutilated and murdered children.

Tragically, on a different shift, a fellow Deputy was murdered.

As it was early on in my time I didn’t know him very well but I attended his funeral with his friends, family, and fellow Deputies who sat stoically or cried at the loss of a young man willing to put his life on the line, and ultimately give it, to protect his community.

Sitting in the crowded church were humans with all colors of skin.

There is a line from a song by the country duo Brooks and Dunn:

“Only in America…dreaming in red, white, and blue…only in America…where we dream as big as we want to”.

We aren’t dreaming big enough.

Jason Kraus


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