Protection or Politics

jason kraus 1

Neil Gorsuch had a real opportunity. Senator Orrin Hatch, interestingly enough, walked the Supreme Court Nominee right into Marbury versus Madison.  Gorsuch could have spent a significant amount of time providing knowledge (assuming he had some) or at least both sides of the argument in the 1803 case. Instead he […]

Security starts at home

jason kraus

Decades ago I hired a friend of one of my employees. The corporation I worked for wanted growth and to grow more bodies were needed. The new hire was average at best but again the company wanted growth so I stuck with him. One morning it was brought to my […]

The Melting of the Snowflake

jason kraus

Russia! Russia! Russia! When did the Democratic Party become Jan Brady? Then again being a fictitious middle sister is dramatically better than factually being a part of La Raza, CAIR, BLM, or the Nation of Islam. The same Nation of Islam that called for the killing of all White People. […]

If you don’t know now you know.

jason kraus

One day in high school I was informed that someone I was already not a fan of made a derogatory comment about me and my family. The next day I found the individual in the hallway between classes and asked if they indeed did say this. Let’s just say it […]

Ninth Circuit Circus

jason kraus 4

With all the insanity and illegality happening in the courts these days I thought it pertinent to again cover how our system works and doesn’t work. The idea of Democracy is to serve the majority which eventually leads to Tyranny. This is the culmination of Socratic Theory. A Republic or in […]

The Conundrum of CalExit

jason kraus

I was twenty-one and talking in the kitchen with a married couple from whom I’d just rented a room. This was necessary as I had  transferred to a California State University to finish my baseball career and graduate.  As it’d been a long day I decided to call it a […]

America. Where I come from.

Leaders don’t lead from the back or check the wind and adjust to which way they think it is blowing. Leaders lead. It is understandable that some in America aren’t sure anymore what ethical leadership looks like. After twenty-four years of Clinton, Bush, Obama, the appearance of “leadership” hasn’t been […]