You Can Have My Guns. . .One Round At A Time

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In today’s world most not only seem to have an opinion that they feel must be opined, they also believe their opinion(s) are true.

I’ve heard Biden voters say Groper Joe is going to bring the country together.

This is never going to happen.

The day I stand and support child molestation, the raping of women and giving billions to Shia muslims in Iran, I’ll punch my own ticket.

I’ve witnessed obese humans discussing nutrition, how they only eat vegetables and get their fats through avocados.


This is calorically impossible, never mind avocado is a fruit, and no one is taking Type-Two Diabetes medication because of overeating broccoli unless that broccoli is deep fried, covered in nacho cheese sauce and being washed down by a diet Coke, because those saved soda calories make all the difference, except for the white racists of course.

Semantics Jason, semantics.

I laugh when Democrats rant about their Constitutional Rights that are derived from a Republic and shake my head when Republicans refer to these United States as a Democracy.

It’s like watching an idiot flip a coin as to which fork tong they are going to shove into the light socket or Joe Biden try to climb a flight of stairs.

In today’s world you need picture identification to purchase cold medication, alcohol and to drive, but not to vote which seems a bit odd as one would think Liberals would want their supporters drunk and stoned out of their minds, then again they must be as that can be the only sober explanation of how Maxine Waters was ever elected.

If politicians are a measurement of their voters then the Water’s voters are beyond compare and behavioral explanation.

I’ve heard multimillionaires talk about embracing Socialism and then scream at their attorneys, agents, and employees, when their profit margins shrink or are “under paid”.

“Artists” who use the words “bitch”, “nigga”, and “ho” in their “songs” are given awards but white kids singing the songs are “privileged” and need to drop to their knees and beg forgiveness.

Reparations based on skin color have started in Illinois and according to reports the city that is going to give money to “black folk” is going to do this by placing a tax on, wait for it, marijuana purchases.

Forty acres and a mule just turned into dealing drugs and then giving the “Africans” a cut so they can keep stoking and smoking.

It’s the worst lottery system ever but I’m sure it will do more for the schools than Ritalin, not that the teachers in Illinois want to work anymore.

Speaking of Illinois, black gang bangers in Chicago continue to blow each other away, and smoke a lot of weed, on a daily basis, but the Bigot Biden and Criminal Harris only pay attention to the blacks during voting season and don’t have time for their problems because a Sunni muslim just murdered a bunch of “white people” in Colorado.

The politicians and Progressives all started to shout about assault weapons, which do not exist, as “weapons” are inanimate objects and don’t have the capacity to “assault” anyone.

Nevertheless it was thoughts and prayer time AGAIN (God has done enough, the rest is up to us) as Liberal Boulder Colorado was rewarded AGAIN for trying to help a “poor misunderstood refugee” who was raised in America, in American schools, on American taxpayers backs.

Elections do indeed have consequences, some more permanent than others.

I’m sure Hadiya Pendleton and Brian Terry would love to say something about that but their lives were stolen from them.

Thanks Obama.

Finally, the liberal worthless media tried to make a big deal out of a United States Senator posing with a rifle and caption towards Biden wanting to ban guns.

The caption was a common one that most of us have heard or used many times in reference to our 2nd Amendment Rights.

“Come and take it” was sent from South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds to Hiden Biden.

The media ran with it and asked “Did a sitting Senator just threaten the President?”

Actually no as Joe keeps telling us he isn’t President or cannot remember who he actually is.

Maybe his EdD “Doctor” wife can let him know.

Still, the Senator should have given the updated version of this proclamation as the Liberals don’t seem to follow or care about the Constitution so let us be clear.

You can have my guns. . .one round at a time.

Jason Kraus

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