The Five Phases of Trump

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Each week I gather as much information as I can pertaining to the happenings in the World.

As this takes place ideas or subjects jump out at me that I feel are important to expand upon.

This week has been truly bizarre.

Seemingly everyday Wikileaks is releasing past Clinton criminality (with promises of more) at the same time Donald Trump continues to say things that make me grind my teeth.

In other words the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round.

For years I have written columns, and a book, about the financial and moral collapse brought on by tens of millions of members of the Boomer Generation.  How sex, drugs, debt and the perversion of laissez-faire into “living for the now” has crippled our country and allowed oppression to grow through “government programs”.

Liberal and Liberty are not synonymous.

Progress and Progressive are like water and oil.

One of these columns pertained to Trump and his Scorched Earth style of dealing with enemies.

The Donald has been an enigma his entire life, as he seems, to never have had a thought, that didn’t escape his lips.

If he thinks it, he says it.

I’m sure in his younger years he was a bit more diplomatic but I know as each year passes for me, my ability to politely tolerate stupidity has virtually disappeared.

I’m 45.  Donald is 70.

In the beginning it was great to hear him talk about the border and human trafficking.

The Ostrich Syndrome provided by both Parties, and too many citizens, has lead to the murder, rape, and sexual trafficking of women and children.

In another word…SLAVERY.

Unfortunately his verbiage was a bit rough and is now being used against him by the cowardly politically correct crowd and the treasonous CAIR and La Raza supporters.

Both enemies of America and Americans.

When he stated murders and rapes were and are happening, because our border is nonexistent, he was and is right.

Unfortunately he doesn’t appear to be able to evolve in any communicative manner and has lead us to where we are now.

Trump has gone through three campaign managers and although I am sure they are all intelligent people, they don’t seem to understand, or be capable of managing The Donald.

To do so one must be willing to admit that (a) he is uncontrollable (stop trying to) and (b) he thrives on negative attention.

Trump walks to the beat of his own drum.

Let us call it the Five Phases of Donald.

Phase One begins with him being insulted, acknowledging the guilty party and blasting away.

Cue Rosie O’Donnell.

This only continues if the person responds.

Trump likes to think of himself as a counter-puncher and not a bully.

His recent tirade with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski only escalated because Joe continued.

Once Trump started talking about secret love affairs Joe seemed to quiet down dramatically.

Not sure what Mika said.

I don’t watch Morning Joe enough to garner what the Claire Underwood House of Cards lookalike pontificated upon, if at all.

Regardless, if the other side continues, he does as well, which kicks off Phase Two.

Now before we go any further I want to be very clear.

Trump isn’t doing this on purpose.

This isn’t some strategy he is following.

His only strategy is flamethrower to the left, flamethrower to the right.

This is my subjective opinion from leading, learning, coaching, teaching, and dealing with people in many situations for almost five decades.

Combine this experience with understanding Adam Smith and Abraham Maslow and it is relatively easy to predict certain behaviors of the Individual.

Especially successful people.

Successful people have daily routines.

It helps to create wealth, stability, and happiness.

It also creates patterns that are easy to see if one is willing to look.

Metaphorically it is the difference between hearing (the tympanic membrane reverberating in our ears creating sound) and listening (the gathering of information from aforementioned reverberation).

I digress.

Phase Two of Mission Scorched Earth began when he started to garner support from mainstream America.

Again millions of Americans loved to watch Rosie receive her comeuppance.

Tens of millions of Americans also loved to listen to the Party of Bush (RINO) get ripped apart.

Trump could do no wrong in Phase Two as even he commented “I could shoot somebody and still get votes”.

Unfortunately he personalized this affection as America loving him, when this wasn’t the case overall.

Freedom loving Americans love AMERICA!

We don’t do hero worship.

Yet most were willing to go along for the ride because SOMEONE needed to remove the corruption from Washington D.C. and the Donald’s “kung fu seemed strong”.

Trump was riding high and even took the lead in the polls for a week or two.

Sadly we must remember the two things the campaign managers don’t seem to understand.

(a)He is uncontrollable (don’t bother to try) and (b) he thrives off negative attention.

Things were going TOO well.

It is possible the speed of it all caught up to him, or even the reality that he may actually become President, suddenly landed uncomfortably in his psyche.

We will never know but the wheels on the bus completely fell off and it stopped going round and round.

Do not pass go.

Do not collect $200.

He even acknowledged this by saying “if I lose I’ll go back to my great life.”

This is the statement of someone who is preparing to not win.

How do I know this?

We’ve all said something like this at one time or another when we thought we might not get something we wanted especially in competition.

It’s human nature to emotionally “hunker down”, lick our wounds and tell ourselves everything will be okay.

It’s our first line of behavioral defense.

Trump just did it in front of the World.

With Rosie O’Donnell, Phase Three started with her going into hiding.

Trump continued to hammer her at every turn and lost some support because people started to forget who started the entire thing.

The Donald started to look like a bully.

This is where his campaign managers could make such a difference.

The man thrives on the fight but just like Rosie, Hillary has been hiding, poking her head out occasionally while refusing to give an actual press conference for a couple hundred days.

Trump wants to fight but Hillary is refusing to actively engage him (smart and cowardly) until her people tell her to.

She then pops up with “Trump is a racist” at a fundraiser and disappears into the night.

Trump doesn’t see her as an equal.

He thinks she’s lazy, incompetent, corrupt, and in general not on his level when it comes to real achievement.

He’s right and because of this he finds her boring.

I guarantee it.

Hillary Clinton is a criminal and a horrible candidate.

She knows it.  I know it.  You know it.

Her supporters know it.

Everyone knows it.

She is simply playing possum and running out the clock and it is working because Trump’s people aren’t doing their job.

We all know what he is.

Work to his strengths.

He needs a target.

We need him to target her.

His people need to draw her out.

They cannot sit there and wait for the debates.

The polls, have to be even, going into the first debate, or this election is probably over unless some type of catastrophe happens that none of us want.

This leads us to Phase Four.

Phase Four has brought eye rolls and puzzlement from Trump allies and the return of Rosie/Hillary supporters again attempting to defend their “friend” and attack Trump with viciousness and lies, while she continues to hide from the public eye.

This is the problem.

Trump is hitting every single one of them back AND piling on Clinton/O’Donnell.

Although this worked against Rosie he has got to ignore the mealy mouthed press and Hollywood types and aim that bazooka at Clinton.

Unfortunately it appears Whack-A-Mole is Hillary’s game plan.

Sometimes you see her, sometimes you don’t.

Trump isn’t nuanced or even patient enough for this.

His people have to be and they aren’t.

Trying to “soften his message” on immigration is foolish.

Border security is good for the entire country especially the poorer neighborhoods.

He should be hammering the gangs and cartels that are causing all this mayhem, rape, death, and destruction.

He should be reminding people about heroin and meth and what it does to the human spirit and he should remind people that our failing cities are controlled by Progressive Liberals.

Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland, Los Angeles, etc., are all broke and broken.

Don’t get softer Donald.


We want to hear you ROAR American Greatness!

We want to hear America First!

When The Donald was declared the victor over Rosie the 5th cycle was complete.

Trump buried O’Donnell.

Her life has been a mess ever since.  Her own child reportedly despises her.

We are in Phase Four right now.

Trump allies are still with him but understandably tense as he Scorches Earth with his Twitter account daily.

Sometimes necessary.

Many times not.

Trump’s part-time friends are quietly distancing themselves while Clinton supporters like CAIR, La Raza, and the NAACP pile on.

The question now is this.

Can Mr. Brexit focus on one target, sniper-like, and put the Cackle Queen away or will we all be stuck in the 4th cycle and four more years of lies, deceit, and corruption known as an Obamanation?

One thing is certain Donald J.

I am here to defend freedom.

To defend these United States.

As such I am willing to help you in any capacity.

Although James Taylor has turned out to be a rube, easily manipulated by the financier of Iran known currently as the President of the United States, he did at one time create wonderful music and one line is currently poignant.

“Winter, spring, summer or fall,

All you got to do is call,

And I’ll be there, yeh yeh yeh

You’ve got a friend…till the end.”

There’s millions of us.

Stop trying to carry the load yourself.

We have strong backs and bright minds and we stand:

Shoulder to shoulder.

America First.  American Only.

Freedom First.  Freedom Only.

All you got to do is call.

Jason Kraus

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