10 million voices

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I believe I was ten, maybe eleven. My family was visiting my aunt and uncle in Lakewood, CA. Standing outside in the front yard with my younger female cousin a voice erupted from across the street.

“Hey Fatso!” I heard.

I looked across the street. Who was this kid talking to? I’d never seen him in my life not to mention I was skinny as a rail. I heard my cousin answer back.

“Just shut up and leave me alone.”

I looked at her as the punk kept calling her names.

“Who’s this guy?” I asked.

“He’s this kid in school who won’t leave me alone. He’s always calling me fat and Miss Piggy.”

Now for those of you who’ve read Late Bird you know I am a peaceful person who HATES two things.

Being told what to do…and bullies.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t scared.

I was.

It wasn’t that I wanted to be the hero.

I didn’t.

I just knew I had to deal with this regardless of outcome to me.

I looked across the street and said, “Leave her alone.”

The bully laughed and said those words I’d heard too many times.

“What are you going to do about it?”

I sighed internally and gave my patented answer.

“Do it again and you will find out.”

Eventually I shortened my go to line with bullies. I borrowed from the Rock.

“Go for it” was shorter and to the point.

The bully decided he could handle the situation and crossed the street yelling profanities the entire way. As soon as both of his feet were on the sidewalk (I’d moved to the sidewalk to engage him. Never let anyone walk up on you in any situation.) I hit him as hard as a 10 or 11 year old could, right in the mouth.

The word “fatty” disappeared back from which it came as the bully fell to the ground crying.

I shook my head wanting to cry too.

Hurting someone isn’t who I am.

If it comes down to them or me…well…I will do everything I can to ensure I will see another day.

It doesn’t mean I will enjoy doing what I have to do.

I don’t.

I helped the bully up off the ground and asked him if he was okay. He said he was.

“Do you understand why I hit you?”

“Yes” he muttered.

“She is my cousin. I’m here every summer (I wasn’t but he didn’t know that)…leave her alone.”

He promised he would and walked off crying.

My cousin, who isn’t fat, went on to earn a masters degree and became a high school principal.

I am 44 years old and unfortunately have had lots of situations similar to this over my lifetime.

This one still bothers me…but it doesn’t stop me from the realization if the defenders don’t stand then more and worse abuse will happen.

We are currently being throttled by bullies who we’ve elected!

Every time a new opportunity arrives we turn our backs and say “yes sir may I have another.”


There is a better way!

There is a brighter path!

America is the way and Freedom is the path and our message roars louder everyday!

This isn’t the land of Clinton, Bush or Obama.

This is the land of the farmer, the truck driver, the teacher who spends their own money to educate our children!

This is the land of the hardest working human beings ever to exist. This is the land of the most generous, loving, giving people in history.

This is the land of the greatest defenders of freedom ever! The land of the American Soldier! Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and the ever present American Militia who take their guidance from two things.

The Big Fella Upstairs and the United States Constitution!

We have work to do.

Some of it won’t be pleasant.

Killing cancer never is and this cancer is pervasive and running through OUR country.

OUR America!

Roughly 600 politicians and judges are dictating to you, to me, to us.

Not gonna happen.

10 million voices.

Join us America.

10 million truth speaking American protectors against 600 lying cowards.

Time to cure cancer.

AMERICA first!

American only!

Shoulder to shoulder.

One voice at a time.

Jason Kraus

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Community Organizing

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