You are the Voice

FAN Moderator

Let us forge ahead in this new year, leaders by example with the truth as our shining light, our beacon in the night, and our strongest weapon.

It is the strength of one voice, the American individual, that propels freedom forward.

You are this voice that resonates and permeates the land of the free and the home of the brave. Roar with it into each sunrise, each sunset, and all in betwixt and between using the gift of free will and embracing the responsibility of ensuring freedom lasts through the coming generations upon the soil of these United States.

The greatness of America is found in the extraordinary example of you, the ethical American, born and bred in the cradle of fierce competition protected by a loving God that allows growth through persistence, the pursuit of happiness, and the one true paradigm of the human experience:

To love one another.

Your example is the catalyst to a better day, a brighter path, a freer nation.

America is the canvas for our pens and swords. We must use both wisely with the comprehension that the sword is used in protection of freedom, the pen in its creation.

While the sword is kept sharp the pen must always be flowing. Yes we are the sword but more importantly you are the pen.

Stand with me now shoulder to shoulder and let loose the roar of the American Lion that provides shelter to our allies and such a fear in our enemies that they simply lay down and pray for the ever famous mercy of the American as their reckoning arrives.

Enemies both foreign and domestic.

The world is changed by your example.

Require it be for the better.

Jason Kraus United States Senate 2017

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