Variety and Spice?

FAN Moderator

In high school I crushed baseballs with a 34 inch 31 ounce Easton Black Magic.  She was a beauty.  That bat hit baseballs, golf balls, Wiffle balls, Wiffle golf balls thousands if not tens of thousands of times.  Batting cages, batting practice, tee time on the field and hours at home to perfect my swing so the same motion arrived every time.  I would have used that bat forever but there came a day when it finally succumbed to the pressure and broke.

Yes aluminum bats do break.

It was then and only then that I went looking for a new bat.  Not a replacement.  A replacement implies what you have is working but not quite to your satisfaction.  I was more than satisfied but in order to actually play baseball one does need a bat.  I used a wide variety of sticks until I found another Easton while playing for a semi-pro team one summer.  The owner of the team gave me the bat at the end of the season and it was used until my college career was finished.

To him I am forever grateful.

My truck is over ten years old.  Runs perfectly.  Of course maintenance (personal responsibility) is required to keep any vehicle humming along.  I know of individuals who have purchased cars in the past that come with all the new technology.  One of those vehicles had to be returned twice and then finally returned permanently all the while my truck keeps getting older…and better.

I don’t know how long I’ve had my cell phone. Quite a while I am sure.  While Christmas commercials were showing new phones allowing virtual reality, my phone kept on answering calls, delivering text messages, playing music, and of course allowing me to communicate with my wonderful American Brothers and Sisters.

Successful people have routines.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

“Ah Jason” some will say, “you don’t know what you are missing” or “variety is the spice of life.”

Variety and Spice.

Two reasons Americans have been married and divorced so many times.

Variety or maybe Spice may also be the reason men and women in their fifties and sixties are experiencing a new outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases.

Oh come on Jason everything in moderation.

A little bit of crack?  A small amount of heroin?  A touch of penicillin? Can one be moderately pregnant?

Moderation otherwise known as rationalization in today’s America.

Let’s stop the “moderation”.

Figure out what actually works and then do it over and over.

No, rolling joints isn’t what I had in mind.

Let’s stop the excuse making and “middle of the road thinking.”

Roads have two intended directions.

Only an idiot drives down the middle.

No more “reaching across the aisle” or attempting to be “equal”.

There isn’t anyone reaching in return, and if they are, their idea of equality is to improve their position by lessening yours.

Besides there are too many in Hillary’s Village for us to carry.

Thanks to Clinton and Bush the Jones’s lost their houses and cars years ago.

Thanks to Obama they probably still have their cell phones but then Schultz’s Starbucks app has to go somewhere.

Starbucks:  A place where one is always welcome loaded as long as they aren’t carrying.

Twenty four YEARS of Clinton, Bush, and Obama has sedated, medicated, and procreated an incredible mess that appears to be the norm across these United States because it’s all about ME as the “progressive” part of multiple generations belly up to the trough awaiting their slop and opioid fix.

Is it any wonder people are assaulting each other while standing in Christmas lines at WalMart or Target?

There’s only so much tryptophan and “purple drank” one can handle.

Nothing quite like thousands of people lining up for five televisions on sale.

I’m not sure what is worse.

The rationalization that allows someone to step on another’s head while searching for a Luke Skywalker toy figure or the beauty of laying hands on the new Barbie while tearing at each others clothes.

May the Force Be With You.

I recently watched video of a woman at IKEA being restrained by security who had a frying pan shoved down the back of her pants.

Yes you read that right.


Would this be Variety or Spice?

Even more disturbing was her lack of planning as the “pants” she’d decided to “wear” were falling down as her back up “thong” screamed in pain trying to hold this entire mess together.

“Fabrically” speaking, there was no collusion, but quite a bit of delusion, on behalf of the assemblage.

This situation roared “moderation” as well as repudiation, consternation, and possibly constipation while begging for a trench coat.

Hillary’s Chairman Mao attire would have fit this setting perfectly.

Get that villager her prize!

This upstanding citizen even mentioned she wasn’t worried about the crime she’d committed because it was a “misdemeanor”.

She understands misdemeanor but struggles with the concept that pans go on stoves…not down her shorts.

Probably a Meryl Streep fan.

Definitely a “soul of moderation” driving down the “middle of the road”.

Jason Kraus

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