The Truth will set us free

FAN Moderator

Incredulously there appears to be Americans who still believe the current resident in the White House. Bush was a “liar” but Obama hasn’t a “smidgen” of corruption surrounding him. Astonishing.

It’s almost as if the famous line “you can’t handle the truth” is correct.

Let us take a few moments and run down some stated “facts” with which Obama supporters agree. The reason I say “agree” is simple. When you choose to support someone you are tacitly, as well as overtly, agreeing.

It’s common sense.

Stated Fact: The IRS does not target Americans under the Obama administration.

Actual Fact: The IRS under Lois Lerner did in fact target American citizens based on their political beliefs.

Obama supporter: “You don’t know this for sure.”

Actually we do. Lois Lerner apologized (it’s recorded) for this behavior, trying to get out in front of it.

She then took the Fifth Amendment (right against self incrimination).

Never mind her computer(s) and emails “disappeared” or were “destroyed”. (I’m sure the NSA has copies) When you apologize AND take the Fifth you’ve admitted culpability.

Outside of the government physically harming its citizens, there is nothing more dangerous than using the power of the Internal Revenue Service to oppress American citizens while suppressing their voices and votes. Nothing.

Stated Fact: The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization.

Actual Fact: Absolutely correct.

The Muslim Brotherhood has been classified as a terrorist organization by the United States Government. While Egypt has sentenced many of them to be executed, White House personnel continue to meet with members of, yep you guessed it, the Muslim Brotherhood.

For ANY Obama supporter reading this now I would LOVE to hear how you rationalize this. Please don’t give me the “friends close enemies closer” routine. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, with any common sense invites their enemies into their home.

The Muslim Brotherhood hates the United States, right along with Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, al qaeda, the Taliban…sure seems like a lot of hate coming from a particular belief system.

I know, I know Obama supporters. Even though Sunnis and Shiites have been killing each other, Christians, and Jews for centuries, it’s all America’s fault.

Stated Fact: The Affordable Health Care Act will insure 30 million of the uninsured.

Actual Fact: The Affordable Health Care Act isn’t about health care, isn’t affordable, and you cannot keep what you had or have currently if the government decides it isn’t good enough.

Furthermore the Obama talking points on this are easy to disprove. Originally it was claimed more than 30 million Americans who need insurance would be able to get it. This of course is wrong. Just using the numbers given by this administration (which is difficult because they change every month) the most they will “insure” will be around 8 million. Nice program. We should have a name for the program that ignores almost 70 percent of the people it was trying to “help”.

Let’s call it…no hope no change.

Stated Fact: Unemployment is under six percent

Actual Fact: Real unemployment is well over twenty percent.

We have approximately two hundred million Americans able to work.

47 million Americans receive Welfare/Food Stamps. That number alone is almost twenty five percent, not to mention Americans incarcerated, on disability, or unemployment insurance. Anyone believing the reported unemployment number cannot do simple math or isn’t willing to try.

Stated Fact: Obama has cut the debt in half.

Actual Fact. Obama has not only not cut the debt in half it’s been dramatically increased under his watch. The man who said Bush was unpatriotic by crushing future generations with unsustainable debt doubled down when given the opportunity. The debt accrued by Bush and Obama will only be paid back one of two ways.

Completely ridding America of all taxes on employment and freeing our economy or… war.

Your choice America. That’s why I wrote Late Bird. To give us a choice and America a chance.

Stated Fact: Barack Obama is responsible for the rise in the stock market(s).

Actual Fact: Absolutely, and please remember who did this to you when the thing comes crashing down.

When Obama kept Ben Bernanke (Bush appointee) and then followed up with Janet Yellin the markets turned into a casino. As we know with gambling those who partake rarely win and this particular game of “chance” will eventually create billions if not trillions in losses.

Stated Fact: George Bush was a horrible President.

Actual Fact: Yes he was. No argument here. The absurdity of Bush policies continue on to this day through Obama.

Perpetual wars.
Crushing debt.
Constant Lies.

Now let’s work together to get rid of America’s nightmare and make sure we don’t replace him with another disaster like Bush’s brother or Clinton’s wife.

Last but not least.

Fact: The United States yearly economy (GDP) is around sixteen trillion. Currently the United States government owes almost eighteen trillion.

Fact: This won’t go on for too much longer without incredible damage to our way of life.

Fact: America is filled with millions of citizens who require freedom.

Fact: Our lives are in our hands.

Fact: Time to go to work.

Jason Kraus

“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus
Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

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I make sure when I write to always use facts. Things that are easy to prove and readily accessible to all Americans who are willing to do their homework. Common sense guides me this way. I want to make sure I present factual information. Of course it is nice when […]

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