An American problem requires an American solution

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I was never much of a talker when it came to violence or threats.  Always seemed like a waste of energy to me never mind my best one liners always came hours AFTER the fact.  I’ve never been a patient person in this respect either.  If you have a problem with me or one of my friends speak your mind and move forward otherwise have a Coke and a smile.

It isn’t about being tough.  It is actually the opposite.  I don’t like to wait for an unpleasant outcome to arrive.  If I know something has to be dealt with I want it dealt with now so I can move on with the positives in my life.

I don’t want to dwell on things that have to be handled.  Just handle them and move on.

But handle them we must.

I had a problem in college one time.  Something was said to me I didn’t like and a threat was made.  Without getting into specifics a fight broke out.  I ducked when I should have bobbed and lost some blood and part of a tooth.  My dance partner ended up breaking a bone in his hand.

What can I say…I have a hard head.

There ended up being other repercussions from this incident for me…maybe I will cover this in my follow up to Late Bird, but regardless, as I’ve said many times…no one wins in a fight.

One side just loses more.

That day I was the “more”.

But the fight must be fought to ensure our way of life continues.  It is those who ignore or cower from the battle that are the worst amongst us.   They prolong the agony of the behavior of the wicked and weaken systems.

Systems society counts on to maintain order, to thrust freedom forward like Capitalism and the Rule of Law.

Only those with an agenda contrary to liberty still support a Clinton, a Bush, a Sanders, a Rubio, or an Obama.

Political correctness and generational guilt has allowed hate groups like La Raza and CAIR to go unchallenged.

Barack Obama blames Christians for their “past deeds” when they are murdered in the Middle East or Africa.

Jeb Bush says illegal entry into America is “loving”.

John Kerry spat in the face of every French citizen with his rationalization and “understanding” of the Charlie Hebdo murders.

Nancy Pelosi’s reference to a group that puts its children on the front lines with grenades, known as Hamas, as a “humanitarian” organization, is treasonous.

Our problem isn’t in Russia, or China, or even the Middle East.

Our problems are those who continue to support the individuals and their ilk listed above.

We have an American problem that will require an American solution.

If you are asking yourself “what should I do?” the answer is simple.

Step into the fray by putting your name on the line or supporting those who will.

We cannot afford to lose anymore blood or teeth.

We aren’t a country of “refugees” or immigrants.

I was born HERE.

My parents were born HERE.

My grand-parents were born HERE.

We aren’t European, African, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, black, white, brown, blue, or green.

We are Americans.

It’s up to us to make sure it stays that way.

Jason Kraus



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