Do not feed the beast

FAN Moderator

Recently through Skype I was interviewed again by Michael Higgins and Darcy Savage.  Wonderful people to speak with and I strongly suggest everyone find Michael’s page at VoxPopuli.

The purpose of our mission never changes:

To bring like-minded Americans together.  Shoulder to shoulder.  One voice at a time.

Michael made a comment that a friend mentioned the length of our last interview being too long for the average listener.

In the beginning this was mentioned to me about my columns…never mind the fact that it only took five minutes to read most of them.

I will attempt to deal with what I believe are the primary issues in America with as much brevity as possible.

Federal Debt:





Border Control:






Systemic abuse of women and children.  (That’s enough for me)

Climate Change:

Big Fan!  Without it none of us would be here.

Global Warming:


The Earth is slightly cooling and has nothing to do with us and everything to do with the Sun.  (Even the egomaniacs known as John Kerry and Barack Obama are no match for the Sun…or US for that matter).

By the way this is the same group of geniuses who predicted decades ago Earth’s natural resources would run out.

We flare natural gas into the air daily and don’t have enough room to store all the oil.

Give it another ten years and the Al Gore types will be back to tell us we have to create more CO2 to HELP warm the Earth and I’m sure there will be a few Bernie Sanders acolytes around to repeat the absurdity known as Progressivism.

One more thought.  Climate Change, Weather, and Pollution are three different things.

Reverse Racism:

As opposed to Forward Racism?

Racism, like ignorance, is color-blind, and both are found in the Klan, Black Panthers, CAIR, and La Raza…just a few groups historically supported by the Democratic Party although Reince Priebus and the RNC took their shot at joining the color of skin crowd leading to citizens across the United States re-registering without a party preference.

Fools to the right, racists to the left.

Crony Capitalism:

Doesn’t exist.

Don’t blame Capitalism for the human animal’s lack of ethics…but if you must…call it what it is…Corruption.

Illegal Immigration:

Incorrect.  Any human who is not an American Citizen entering our country without written documented permission is not an immigrant.

Legally they are criminals:  8 U.S. Code § 1325

Selective Enforcement of the Law is government persecution and prosecution and will eventually lead to retribution, vigilantism, or revenge.

A society either has the Rule of Law or it doesn’t.

Currently we do not.

Let’s try and speed this up.  I’m trying to keep this under five minutes.

“Carbon Footprint”, “White Guilt or Privilege”, “African American”, “Latino or Hispanic”, “It takes a village”, “Radical Islamic Terrorism”, “You didn’t build that”, “Moderate Muslim”, and the “One Percent”.

Carbon doesn’t have toes, a heel, a sole…or a soul.

White Privilege, African American, Latino or Hispanic are all nonsensical terms created by obtuse minds to label and divide.  White, black, and brown are colors.  Human is the race and the reason for the difference in color is proximity to the sun over tens of thousands of years.


It doesn’t take a village…it takes two loving, responsible, ethical, PARENTS to raise a child.

Radical Terrorist, Moderate Muslim, Jihadi, all have the same common denominator:


The question is Sunni or Shiite.

The answer is neither.

You didn’t build that…yes we did and that also includes the corrupt individuals in Washington DC.

Yes we built them too.

This is on us to reclaim, remove, and restore.

This, and unfortunately more, is all terminology and propaganda brought to these United States to divide us, by the worst political generation, in the history of America:

The “Me Generation”…so aptly named.

If you find yourself using this terminology or trying to “see their point of view”…don’t.

You are only feeding the beast of oppression.

Starve the propaganda and leave it on the side of the road.

Crows need to eat too.

Jason Kraus


United States Senate 2017


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