California Dreaming about Agua

FAN Moderator

For decades the “environmentalists” (see Democratic Party) in California have shut down any new construction for dams, reservoirs, dredging, etc.  denying incredibly important infrastructure needed to supply the most important need to the survival of the human animal.


“It’s bad for the environment.”

For decades illegals from many countries have flocked to California.  Although this is a crime the “Amnesty” groups (see Democratic Party) have not only looked the other way but have created “sanctuary cities” and welcomed criminal behavior into their cities for the California and American taxpayer to pay for.

“They are fleeing bad environments”.

For anyone who doesn’t know after Ronald Reagan’s “Amnesty” the great State of California went from Republican to Democrat.  The Democrats continued to allow and encouraged the flooding of illegals predominately coming from Mexico and other countries south of our border.

Now for those of us who are responsible humans you know you cannot overload one side of the apple cart.  If you do it will turn over.

An Op Ed in a major newspaper recently stated, according to NASA, California has about one year of water left.

Say that again?

According to NASA, California has about one year of water left.

You mean the California that grows food for America?  The California that has the largest economy of all the United States?  The California that has elected a Democrat to every top position in the State and a Democratic Super-Majority in both the Senate and House?

Yep…that’s the one.

Crazy, huh?

Oh it gets a little bit more special than just crazy.

See this collection of Democratic thinkers continue to force more and more cities to build more and more “affordable housing”.  The entire State was ordered to ration water last year but apparently we still have enough water to build tens of thousands of apartments, duplexes, and single family homes all over the Golden State.

Don’t have enough water for the current citizens?  What to do?  Let’s build more housing and offer driver’s licenses to illegals so they will come from all over the world!

Yea! Good thinking!

What is truly bizarre is I haven’t even mentioned the most asinine thing.  Although much of California could be labeled a desert (historically little or no water) the Democrats have decided that this isn’t a man made problem created by poor planning and over-population.

Nope…this is a really long drought!

Should we tell them?

Deserts don’t have droughts!  They are called deserts for a reason!

Besides Democrats and environmentalists what happened to your planning for Global Warming…err…Climate Change?

According to you the climate is changing (I agree.  It changes every day and will as long as the Earth is in place). Why haven’t you been preparing for this?  Don’t you people talk to each other?  Do you know what will happen if 40 million people run out of water legal or otherwise?  What that will do to our State, our Country, our civilization?

A human’s primary needs to survive are listed below in order of importance:




Do you see where water is located on the list?  Yes Democratic leaders of California you are seeing that right.

It is number one.

What’s that?  It’s the Republicans fault?  The Republican politicians are guilty of many things but none of these things can be laid at their feet in California.

A Republican elected official in California can be spotted a little more frequently than the Auburn Dam.  For those of you across America reading this the Auburn Dam was never finished.

It begs the rhetorical question…how much water does an unfinished dam hold?

But finally we get to the end of the insanity…or do we?

Come on, this is California after all.  This isn’t going to happen.  This must be a scare tactic.  Just another panic piece.  Another racist, bigoted, women hating, propaganda piece put out by the homophobic Tea Party Christians hugging their Bibles and guns too tightly and waving their pesky American Flags on University Campuses!

I’ll bet this was probably a Faux News story!

What’s that?

The LA Times?


Nevertheless there has to be a plan.  There is no way Democratic policies could ruin an entire State.  I mean we know about Detroit but that’s in Michigan.

Oh yeah…I do remember hearing about Stockton and San Bernardino having major financial problems, and of course the Federal Government is 18 trillion in debt but still there is no the way the powers that be will let this happen.

This is California!  We live here!  Let’s finish the article.  What is the California contingency plan according to the author from U.C. Irvine?

“Staying in emergency mode and praying for rain.”

Yep…sounds about right.  Hypocrites, criminals, and liars all in desperate prayer.

Don’t you just love democracy?


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.










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Regularly across America “columnists” will opine about the danger of guns.  Many anti-gun activists actively salivate awaiting the next time a small town has a shooting.  Not sure why they “wait”.  Opportunities for their shtick happen almost every weekend in Chicago or Los Angeles yet we rarely hear about this.  […]

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