Walls, Walls, Everywhere there’s Walls

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Walls, Walls, Everywhere there’s Walls

by Jason Kraus:

Walls, walls, everywhere there’s walls and yes they do work. In reference to the Wall or anything else requiring facts, The Libs continue to trot out the “expert” card.

The “experts” say walls won’t keep foreign national law breaking combatants out.

The Dems and RINOS are good at using this “expert” moniker, however anyone with a modicum of sanity knows it is a lie.

Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen were all “experts” and completely missed our last housing crisis. Everyone knew that bust was coming except those that should have…or caused it.

They also suppressed interest rates which allowed the Federal Government to extricate more wealth from the private sector while it crushed the country with overwhelming debt and stole from our retirement and medical programs.

Our “experts” are the “best”.

The “experts” gave a Nobel Prize in Economics to a human who has been beyond wrong for years about our economy and markets overall.

They went even further and gave a Nobel Prize in Peace to a man who targeted American citizens for their political beliefs, embraced the murder and murderers of American law enforcement and sent one hundred and fifty-billion American tax dollars to the “greatest State sponsor of terror” known as Iran.

The “experts” told us that Donald Trump would NEVER be President. They even used percentages to explain their stupidity.

I love it when “percentages” are used by “experts” to explain “polling”.

Insert laugh track here.

Of course walls work.

They work every day.

How do we know this?

We have concrete proof.


Concrete and steel are used every day to keep specific humans out of our society.

These humans are called convicts, the walls are called prisons and jails and they work very well but I guess what is good enough for Americans isn’t good enough for Mexicans, Hondurans, Guatemalans, etc.

The reality of the situation is this.

Democratic politicians are absolute idiots and they are only slightly higher on the intelligence ladder than those who vote for them.


Because of this I hear from wonderful Americans every day who ask me about the insanity we are witnessing. True blue citizens who continue to try and understand the Liberal Progressive mindset.

Don’t bother. It is waste of your energy, your money and your time.

Spending any effort trying to “understand” Oppression weakens our opportunity to remove it from our country.

Rationalization and Justification are only helpful tools to the human on lesser issues.

The survival of Freedom is not a lesser issue.

Oh Jason, aren’t you being a bit hyperbolic? Politicians come and go and the general consensus is life is pretty good.

For those who believe the current situation they are living in is guaranteed I offer you one Rashida Tlaib.

Rashida was just elected to the United States House of Representatives. Some of Rashida’s first stated words were delivered in this fashion.

“We need to impeach that motherfucker,” in regards to President Trump.

I can hear the “educated, suburban, wealthy women” that the Press continue to tell us vote Democrat coming to her aid.

“It’s just a little colorful talk.”

“It’s better than grabbing them by the pussy.”

“If a man said the same thing it wouldn’t even be brought up.”

You know the more I think about it Rashida does sound a lot like one of the Real House Wives of Suburbia.

What has television come to?

On a different note it appears “educated” and idiot have become synonymous.

Now Jason everyone has a Right to their opinion.

Actually no “everyone” does not have a Right to their opinion but let’s not stress out the Liberals with too much truth right now.

Let us focus on Rashida who calls herself a Palestinian-American.

Of course those of us with KNOWLEDGE know there is no such thing as a Palestinian-American, just like there are no African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Irish-Americans, etc.

There is only AMERICAN.

It’s why I continue to say America First.


Africa and Asia are huge land masses referred to as continents and Ireland is its own nation-State.

Now back to Rashida. By calling herself a Palestinian she overtly admits (proudly I’m sure) that she is a supporter/member of Hamas.

This is where the Real House Wives get lost.

Who doesn’t support Hamas? It’s great on crackers.

Hamas you educated #metoo vagina wearing suburbanites, not hummus.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that wants to kill Jews and as many members of the Great Satan as possible.

That’s you Alan Dershowitz and you Bravo viewers.

Yep, the United States House of Representatives has another Hamas supporting Sunni Muslim in place.

Well done Democrats. Well done.

But but Speaker of the House Aunt Nancy said Hamas was a humanitarian organization.

Yes your choice of electoral representation has been atrocious for decades.

Speaking of atrocious the Bronx sent a Representative that “looks like them” to Washington and kicked the bad White man to the curb. She then provided a small glimpse of the intellectual power coming from the voters in her district. Alexandria OC stated that America has three forms of government.

The House.

The Senate.

The Presidency.

Now that’s what I call an education.

Aristotle would be so proud.

Of course it could be worse.

The Senate just added a VoMitt and the cowardly lion who genuflected in front of Obama many years ago, continued to puke all over himself, as he stood in front of the Press, taking shots at a President who endorsed him and talking about “Representative Democracy”.

The Great Experiment and the Invisible Hand are truly incredible things.

Even bonafide morons can become millionaires and billionaires, Congresswomen and Senators.

God bless America.

Jason Kraus




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