Thank you Dad

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In this day and age the verbiage used in everyday discussion is neglect and void.

Neglect of substance.

Void of humility.

Too many are self-proclaimed “geniuses” or “experts” or the “greatest of all time”.

Lost souls referring to themselves as God, Jesus, or followers of Bernie Sanders .

Oy vey.

It appears the axiom “there are no new thoughts, only those new to thinking” is right as the rain.

Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.

I have never had much usage for overindulgent vernacular, nor found those who needed it, to be of any use at all.

I’ve always believed in action rather than blather.

In right over wrong.

Truth over lies.

Good over evil.

In fact Good is the ultimate prize to my way of thinking.

We have millions of written documents but only one is referenced as the Good Book.

Good morning, good afternoon, and good night set the tone and temperance for a quality 24 hour period.

“Good morning America how are ya?”

This would be a very difficult answer for me to give in these current times if not for one thing.

I was raised by a GOOD man.

I was raised by a man whom I watched work three jobs to make sure our family was fed.

I was raised by a man who never once complained while he drove a tractor trailer for almost a year on a broken leg to make sure his family had a roof over our head.

I was raised by a man who told me I could do anything I wanted in this world, and because I could, I had the responsibility to do it, whatever it was, to the best of my ability.

“When someone gives you a job you give them more than they expect.  Be grateful.  They could have given that job to someone else.”

I was raised by a man who told me to never look for trouble but if it found you to hit first and hit hard.  “There are no winners in a fight but there will definitely be a loser.  You don’t want that to be you.”

Amen Dad.  Amen.

To be raised by a Good man isn’t always an easy thing.  There are expectations, requirements, and rules. There is right and wrong and when you are raised by a Good man you better be right and more importantly you better not be wrong.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

When one is raised by a Good man fear is a very real thing.

Fear of ever letting him down.

I hope while you are reading this Dad you smile and nod and understand how loved you are.  Because of you I understand the definition of unconditional.

It’s easy to write things about Good men but I know this particular man will find them uncomfortable to read as with all Good men he is filled with grace, substance and humility.

Good Works over glad handling.

Peace over Pride and always at the front.

A Good man always fights the good fight because Good men must and a good fight is happening as I write this now.

To the man who left me a bear claw on my pillow on my fifth birthday.  You raised me to stand and fight and I stand with you.  We fight Dad and we win.

Just a few more weeks Hero and we will be victorious.

A good man can.

A good man must.

A good man will.

Happy Father’s Day Dad.

Thanks for being a Good Man.


Your son.

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