Fear has no place in the strong

jason kraus

Every action has a reaction. What seems to be the simplest of things can, will, and does open doors to life changing opportunities. But for this to happen an action must first take place. Life in general favors the willing. Those who engage freely leaving trepidation behind. Fear has no […]

What am I going to do for you?

jason kraus

A conversation took place a while ago. If you get elected what are you going to do for me? My answer was simple. I’m not going to do anything for you. You are going to do for you! If elected I am going to go to DC and stop the […]

Affordable for who?

jason kraus

As insurance companies continue to drop the fraud placed upon the American Taxpayer known as the “Unaffordable Care Act” there are still voices clamoring for more “government” control. It would be comical if not so disconcerting to listen to someone rant about their “right” to medical “care” while proclaiming it […]

All Incumbents Out

jason kraus

I’ve heard the uninformed state things like “the government built the roads you drive on”. No “it” didn’t. Individual humans created the wealth that was then taxed to allow other individuals to build “the roads”. The “government” is a collection of individuals who are suppose to be our brightest minds […]

Three Choices…Two Choices..One Choice.

jason kraus

Just when it appears the insanity cannot reach greater heights the “Democratic Socialists” in California chime in yet again showing their ignorance of human behavior. If one can earn $15.00 an hour washing dishes then it seems safe to assume the servers and cooks should be making at least $18.00 […]


jason kraus

As the lies are being challenged many are attacking those who provide the truth. Those who have bought into the corruption of our country are now howling as Americans fight back to restore the rule of law. Last night in Chicago “Democracy” or mob rule was apparent for all to […]

No such thing as “human rights”

jason kraus

Contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as “human rights”. Those who make such claims have zero credibility and truly do not understand human behavior. Every human is born with Free Will. This doesn’t give you the “right” to anything. Children (especially female children) born in many parts […]

The End of the Me Generation

jason kraus

The sex, drugs, and debt population known as the Me Generation has dominated Washington DC for the last 20 years. Because of this we are void of any ethical leadership in our country right now. Our elected leaders in high positions are corrupt politicians that cover for each other…on both […]

Speak the truth LOUDLY!!!

jason kraus

Words have value. Words used properly have power. Because of the PC crowd many are afraid to wield such verbiage. It isn’t the words we use that get us into trouble…it is the words we don’t use. It isn’t the things that are said to us that cause us pain. […]

Deserve and Earn are two different things

jason kraus

Entitlement is an interesting word. To be entitled to something implies that the something has been earned…but not in your possession. Why are we allowing others to hold what we’ve earned and dole it out at their whims or on their timetables? Social Security has been paid into by both […]