Deserve and Earn are two different things

FAN Moderator

Entitlement is an interesting word.

To be entitled to something implies that the something has been earned…but not in your possession.
Why are we allowing others to hold what we’ve earned and dole it out at their whims or on their timetables?

Social Security has been paid into by both the future recipient and their employer but neither have access to the money.

The employer will never see that money again and the recipient has to wait decades…while the government has access immediately.

What could possibly go wrong?

Early on in life I grew to despise the word “deserve”. When the word deserve was used I knew it was something I’d felt I’d earned but still didn’t have.

I stopped using deserve and anytime someone said to me that they deserved something I would explain that the difference between deserve and earned wasn’t expectation.

It was execution.

You may believe you deserved an A or deserved to win.

Both are irrelevant.

You either have the A or you don’t.

You either won or you didn’t.

We either have access to our money or we don’t.

We don’t.

It doesn’t matter that we put the money there.

It doesn’t matter that the government forces us to do it.

They have access.

We do not.

If the powers that be were ethical, quality humans, like most of America, these shaky systems would probably be okay.

If we had moral gatekeepers we would be fine.

But we don’t…and we know it.

Social Security is worse than a Ponzi Scheme.

Without the criminality of the Federal Government to borrow unlimited amounts of money, SS would have defaulted years ago.

Please liberals don’t quote me CBO projections or send me government links.

Figures don’t lie but liars can figure.

America is $19 Trillion in the hole and that doesn’t even take into account SS promises that are owed.
Some have said SS, Medicare, etc. has us $100 Trillion in the rears of deserved entitlements.

Notice I didn’t say earned…because it’s not in our possession.

Veterans Benefits or lack there of enrage me.

Especially our Combat Vets.

They didn’t just trade time for a future retirement or promise of care.

They gave of their bodies, organs, and blood.

They all carry scars…some we can see and some we cannot.

Some gave the ultimate sacrifice.

A debt we can never repay.

Yet the Federal Government continues to provide services for illegals and pay the immoral who ignore our Vets while giving themselves bonuses and promotions.

We have money for Guatemalans, Hondurans, Mexicans, Russians, Chinese, and Islam…but not the American Veteran.

There must not be anymore questions.

The systems in place only work when run by moral people.

The only way these systems will survive is to remove those at the top.

A fish rots from the head down.

We must replace the sharks and piranha in D.C. with American Lions who will enter the jungle without fear and do what must be done.

Many believe we are too far gone to fix our problems.

They are wrong.

I would not be here spending my time and money if the outcome were already decided.

We have to address two issues and everything else will be fine.

We must reclaim our earning potential by removing all forms of income tax.

Free the American Worker.

We must secure the border.

Protect the American Citizen.

With the return of economic prosperity and the rule of law America will heal thyself the same way we always have.

By the sweat on our brows and the incredible ingenuity that comes from a FREE society that roars forward in the PURSUIT of happiness!!!

All is not lost.

Stop complaining.

Americans don’t whine!

It only wastes time and energy.

I am not here to waste my time or energy…nor will I.

Focus on the goal.

I am here to make a difference and serve these United States.

Stand and make a difference with me.

We will serve her together.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

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