The End of the Me Generation

FAN Moderator

The sex, drugs, and debt population known as the Me Generation has dominated Washington DC for the last 20 years.

Because of this we are void of any ethical leadership in our country right now.

Our elected leaders in high positions are corrupt politicians that cover for each other…on both sides of the aisle.

Our appointed leaders are sycophantic yes men and women, who answer to the aforementioned aisle, and put career over Country…every time.

Our military leaders who have spoken truth to power have been fired, demoted, or made so miserable they’ve resigned or retired.

Our media leaders are owned by corporations who prefer ratings over reality.

Decades of this behavior have us teetering as a sovereign nation, while the solvency of our currency is, at a minimum, debatable.

Today it was reported an United States Supreme Court Justice (Scalia) passed away.

There will be many who will profess admiration for this man.

Others will express hatred.

I am not here for either.

The Supreme Court is now dominated by Me Generation appointees.

Six of the Eight were nominated by Clinton, Bush, or Obama.

Soon to be Seven of Nine.

Is it any wonder the family unit has been diminished, drugs usage is at astronomical proportions and debt (public and private) is greater than anytime in American history…or human history for that matter.

Some reading this now will fall into the “nothing we can do but wait for the revolution to start” crowd.

First that is untrue.

Second we need a reclamation not a revolution.

With the correct electoral decisions being made in 2016, the reclaiming of America will start in 2017 (which is why I always list United States Senate 2017).

The removal of Obama and replacement with either Trump, Cruz, or Carson is a good start but the viral infection known as progressivism/compassionate conservatism is alive, contagious, and resides in the highest court in OUR land.

This must be corrected.

Yes Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life, unless they choose to resign or retire, but they are subject to the same rules as any member of Congress or the Presidency.

They can be impeached.

The six justices appointed and confirmed by the Me Generation must be removed.

To some this may seem improbable.

It isn’t.

Events most of us thought impossible in our lifetimes are now taking place in front of us on a daily basis.
Historic debt growing every second, punitive taxation for NOT purchasing something, negative interest rates, identification and Constitutional Rights being given to humans here illegally, felons being allowed to vote, the ordered surrender of a part of our military to a hostile nation, the call by the Nation of Islam to kill white people and Black Lives Matter members to kill police officers or fry em like bacon.

A Federal Government who forced driving ranchers off a public highway, then shot, killed, and arrested them all while ordering United States Border Patrol to stand down letting criminals continue to overrun our hospitals, schools, jails, and prisons while suppressing wages by supplying cheap and illegal labor.

Not to mention running guns through our southern border that resulted in murders including one of our own Border Patrol agents and the trafficking (slavery) of humans, predominantly women and children.

The Supreme Court has done nothing but enforce the oppression happening under the Me Generation.

For the removal of Supreme Court Justices to happen we must gather and elect citizens who will voice the truth with the ferocity of the righteous and then be fearless in requiring action be taken.

Leadership is not about being in charge.

Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.

I am here to provide truth and facts while offering to implement the above mentioned actions with humble ferocity and without fear.

The choice is yours.

Do nothing while dying a little more each day as the yoke of tyranny tightens.


Stand with me shoulder to shoulder roaring from everywhere in America throughout California guaranteeing American representation in DC!!!

Decisions made by the US Senate will affect you one way or another…regardless of where you live.

This is OUR country!

Time to remind these politicians who they serve.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

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