FAN Moderator

As the lies are being challenged many are attacking those who provide the truth.

Those who have bought into the corruption of our country are now howling as Americans fight back to restore the rule of law.

Last night in Chicago “Democracy” or mob rule was apparent for all to see.

This isn’t new.

Bullying or gang mentality can be found everywhere in America these days as laws are ignored by millions and not enforced by Local, State, or the Federal Government.

Terminology like “racist” “bigot”, “xenophobes”, and “islamaphobia” are thrown at anyone who challenges the lies with truth while Obama smiles, sues Ferguson Missouri because a police officer defended his own life and tacitly approved of the FBI murdering a rancher with his hands up.

Baltimore creates safe space for room to destroy, Nation of Islam calls for the killing of all white people, a Democratic politician calls for the militancy of illegals against Americans, the debt is 19 trillion, negative interests rates are on the horizon, and Obama tells us Islam is woven into the fabric of our country.


We have a cancer in our country and it only grows because we allow it to.

Speak the truth at the top of your lungs ignoring all who attempt to stop you.

We are not ok and you are not alone.

You, me and millions like us are here engaging everyday.

None of this has been or will be easy.

Nothing worth doing ever is but make no mistake…we are coming for what is our birthright and nothing will stop us.

Shoulder to shoulder my fellow Americans.

One voice at a time.


Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions

No salary

One term

Leadership by example


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