Speak the truth LOUDLY!!!

FAN Moderator

Words have value.

Words used properly have power.

Because of the PC crowd many are afraid to wield such verbiage.

It isn’t the words we use that get us into trouble…it is the words we don’t use.

It isn’t the things that are said to us that cause us pain.

It is the things we don’t say in response that create stress, ulcers, and cancer.

Our communities are under incredible stress right now.

I talk to a wide variety of people on a daily basis.  I always have.   I enjoy it.  It’s been like this my entire life, so when I say people are stressed…people are stressed.

It isn’t just stress anymore though.  The anger can be seen and heard everywhere.

Normally easy going Americans aren’t so willing to turn the other cheek.

While the Bernie Sanders crowd continues to do whatever they want, responsible Americans are seething.

While Obama covers up Hillary’s criminal behavior (more than likely to hide his own) ethical Americans are really starting to wonder if the laws matter anymore.

When law abiding citizens decide laws don’t matter….

Americans are screaming at TV’s, radios, the internet, family members and friends…more than normal.

The disease known as Political Correctness has allowed the cowards in our society to hide behind American compassion (and computers), creating millions of citizens who not only offer nothing, but are actually hurting us while slowly eating away at the soul of our country.

After almost three decades we are sitting at the precipice of an economic calamity (crushing debt) while the ignorant continue to pontificate about sexual preference, skin color, and a “fair” society.

The pain is becoming too great and must be purged.

The time to parse words is over.

Anyone still supporting a Clinton, a Bush, or an Obama…is a traitor.

Anyone supporting Bernie Sanders not only has no value to a free society but is parasitic in nature.

Anyone still supporting Marco Rubio obviously enjoys being lied to.

I will be on the ballot in California for the United States Senate and as this individual I will only vote for one of three candidates.

Trump, Cruz, or Carson.

No they aren’t perfect.

None of us are.

No they aren’t going to change our lives or save us.

Only you can do that.

What one of these individuals will do (hopefully) is break the stranglehold the RNC and DNC have over our country.

Do I wish Trump and Cruz would have a behind the scenes meeting and agree to stop attacking each other?


Do I wish they would show a modicum of maturity and put America first by leading by example?


Obviously this isn’t happening but that doesn’t mean we have to continue to follow their lead.

I have lots of friends and family who are strong Trump or Cruz supporters.  Both are strong in their values and have facts to base their views on.

I agree completely…but we must stop attacking each other.

It serves no purpose to hammer away at each other when all of our votes will be needed for one or the other.

I will readily admit I have no patience for anyone who supports Hillary, Bernie, Jeb, or Marco.

I view them with disgust and have no respect for their unwillingness to face reality.

Because of this we must come together through the rest of this primary and not dissuade voters to stay home if their “guy” (Cruz or Trump) isn’t nominated.

This isn’t about Trump, or Cruz, or Carson.

It is about us.

We must be leaders of at least one.


Please reach out to each other and bury the hatchet…or at least stop throwing it at each other.

Our enemy is very clear.

$19 Trillion in debt, an open border, an oppressive tax system, the abuse of our veterans, or in other words…the Democratic and Republican Political Parties.

If we don’t focus on these things they will only get worse.

We cannot allow this.

Stand shoulder to shoulder with me.

Your voice, vote, and effort are the keys to success.

Let them ROAR!!!

Jason Kraus

United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions

No salary

One term

Leadership by example


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