Housing by Color of our skin

FAN Moderator

With Barack Obama readily admitting there is no plan for ISIS, or ISIL, Sunni or Shiite Islam, while sending more American troops to Iraq, the “Do Nothing Congress” (as maligned by uninformed progressives. This Congress has approved Obama’s more than doubling of the debt)  actually stopped (for the time being) the trade agreement known as TPP.

For the first time that I can remember the Democrats in Congress did something with which I agree.  It was the Democrats in the House that shut down Obama’s version of NAFTA.

Let us not get too excited here.

The Democratic Politicians didn’t do it to protect America.

They did it to protect the unions that funnel millions if not billions of dollars back to the Democratic Party and I am sure they will get in line when certain promises are made.

This is also another reason to completely disregard most Republican politicians.

Their constant whining and moaning about Obama (while quietly approving his decisions by funding them) only shows their hypocrisy or lack of ethics by supporting him on a massive trade program that will not benefit America.

Yet continuing to put our military in harms way without a coherent plan, ridiculous rules of engagement AND getting shut down by his own party on a subversive trade program apparently wasn’t enough for the man leading the most “transparent” administration in American history.


While the Democratic Mayor of Baltimore was thanking the Nation of Islam, Barack Obama sent a La Raza supporter to Congress.

Yes America.  You are reading that correctly and for all you Obama supporters who don’t want to believe it…it’s all on video for the world to see.

Yes, I do realize some of you may support The Nation of Islam and La Raza’s views as well.

Of course this makes you a racist, misogynistic, homophobic traitor but hey what do you care, right?  What do you care about freedom?

We will remember that when the pendulum swings.

For those of you who are not familiar with these groups, I strongly suggest you educate yourself.

This type of culture (oppression), and humans, are currently in the White House, and no it doesn’t matter if you don’t “agree”.

As has famously been stated many times you are entitled (currently) to your own opinion but you aren’t entitled to your own facts.

Overt racism, sexism, and hidden homophobia reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Now for those of us with any common sense we’ve known this for quite a while.  But it appears this type of sense isn’t so common anymore.

I digress.

The La Raza individual’s name sent by Obama to Congress is Julian Castro.  The Democratic Party has openly stated many times they now want a Latino or Hispanic (make up your mind please Democrats, doubling down on your racism is exhausting) to be in the Oval Office next so they reached into Texas and snatched an “Affirmative Action” recipient (his words) out of San Antonio and named him Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

So let’s get this straight.

A La Raza enthusiast (according to reports his mother founded this hate group) has been put in charge of Housing for America by a man who takes counsel from Al Sharpton (need I say more), and supports politicians who thanked a group who called for the killing of all “blue eyed white devils”.

I wish I was making this up.  But wait this actually gets worse.

La Raza Castro sat in front of Congress with Barack Obama’s “new” plan.

Housing by color.

That is…skin color.

Now I have listened and read many different comments on this about this being racism.

Well…yes it is.

More comments about this being wrong were added. Dropping humans into neighborhoods, providing them free or massively subsidized housing based on the color of their skin and then calling it diversity is idiotic and horrendous.

Yes, yes, and yes.

Where everyone is missing the boat is…this isn’t new.

“Progressivism” reared it’s ugly ahead in the Clinton years as Slick Willie deregulated (yes Democrats that was your hero the sexual predator who did this) Glass/Steagall while forcing banks to loan to humans without white skin.

Loans the banks knew would never be paid.

As this putrid decision started to take place in small concentrated groups that had only one thing in common (they weren’t white) the lid was blown off as the repeal of Glass/Steagall allowed the stock market to get involved.  Pretty soon everyone and their brother were given loans.  They actually created a name for this.  I’ve spoken with lots of real estate people over the years.

They started calling these loans NINJA loans as in No Income No Job.  I believe the A was added to actually complete a real word.  NINJ just doesn’t sound right although I can think of a few words starting with an A that would fit nicely.

So for all of you reading this right now let me be very clear.  Everything in here and every column I write is verifiable, factual, information.  It will take most of you less than ten minutes to search the internet and find all this data yourself.

Of course you actually have to care, Obama supporters.

As Clinton unleashed his racist housing plan the American Housing Boom (see fraud) started.

Progressivism had a new mantra.

The American Dream known as Freedom was replaced.

The new American Dream was Home Ownership as if humans in China, Russia, or Cuba didn’t own houses.

As the reign of the man who struggled with the definition of “is” and interns in general, came to an end, the Progressives handed the baton to the next Boomer in line who feigned concern about racial housing and then jumped on board with both hands allowing it to spread at an even faster rate like leukemia through the American economy and eventually many parts of the world.

The new term the Progressives created was “Compassionate Conservatism”.  The King of CC then launched us into Iraq borrowing trillions of dollars while sending out stimulus checks and telling Americans it was patriotic to spend!

Of course the housing market collapsed taking over leveraged highly politically connected banks with it and the uber wealthy started screaming at Bush threatening him with heaven only knows. Bush caved, bailed out the banks, and the responsible homeowner and taxpayer have continued to be robbed ever since.

Mission Accomplished!

Americans took a deep breath, cast aside Hillary Clinton, closed both eyes, told themselves no one could be as bad as Bush, ignored truth and facts, and elected an overt racist whose own pastor had called for God to damn America (on video) and whose own wife stated the only time she’d ever been proud to be an American was when her husband was elected.

Never mind the defeat of Nazism, the Civil Rights Movement, or walking on the moon.


Michelle Obama was only impressed when her hubby was elected.

How droll.

Progressivism stepped right off the cliff and openly embraced racism, sexism, Sharia Law, crushing debt, corruption and anarchy.

Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Oakland.

If you don’t understand that list then I cannot help you.

What we are seeing from Obama, Sharpton, La Raza, etc, is moral and intellectual depravity.  The sad thing is, aside from inflaming the racial aspect, this isn’t new.  It’s come full circle with the Progressives starting with Clinton, through Bush, and currently Obama.

The question we have to ask ourselves now is when do we get off this ride?

I am offering a new way and a brighter path but you have to get involved.  Those of you on Social Security, Medicare, or receiving a pension that the government is overseeing are going to get hit.


Yes I know you paid into these things.  But unless and until we stop the borrowing and oppressive taxation on income this is only going to get worse.  For these programs to survive Americans have to be working.  We must abolish all income tax and free the American worker.

Coupled with a consumption tax and closing the border we can survive the nightmare progressives like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have created.

Otherwise none of these programs will survive.


The choice is yours.

Freedom or oppression.

This is simple for me…what say you?

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


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