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Three weeks ago Americans were told that the greatest threat to the planet was the “White Male”.

Recently the bigots changed their minds and announced that Global Warming is back as the number one global killer.

Next week we will be told that all White men, whose skin has darkened due to working long hours outside, will be the combo catastrophe that is going to bring the world to its knees.

This will be referred to as CCC or Caucasian Climate Change.

Another example of cornrow, err, culture appropriation also known as Pale Privilege.

Speaking of culture appropriation Liberal loon Helen Hunt pitched the idea that the movie Twister would be redone using  “all Black and brown” faces.

I’m sure it would have starred Twista with the soundtrack bumping to Get It Wet.

Never mind that Black was capitalized and Brown was not, the powers that be nixed the idea because they couldn’t have “Black and brown” people chasing something around that the White man created like a tornado.

Apparently Whitey created the cyclone in 1619 as it was meant to keep the slaves from running.

What about the Black slave owners Jason?

That’s why the White man created hurricanes.

Any other questions?

Excellent, let us move on to the liberal bastion of disaster known as the Big Apple.

New York City is currently dealing with the crisis of which freedom killing virus to newly elect.

A communist, a communist, or an AOC backed communist.

One has to wonder what the “greatest city in the world” ever did to be so cursed.

BLM bigots, the RONA lie, and Warren Wilhelm Jr. all at the same time.

Some would ponder that having NYC filled with criminal foreign nationals might be a problem but the “voters” don’t seem to care as violent crime increases daily.

Those who elect and re-elect the Cuomos and Cortezes are bound to look like Chicago where every day “black” men prove how much they matter by killing each other.

Chicago’s mayoral response?

She had her hair “done” (yes money was exchanged for whatever is on her head) and refused to talk to anyone with a white face because. . .well. . .da white man is da devil!

Thanks Beetlejuice.

GuateKamala was greeted with Trump Won signs and then dazzled the world by working “uh” and “um” into every utterance while struggling to control her Clinton cackle every time she didn’t have an answer, or more than likely, understand the question.

Unsurprisingly her lack of intelligence still couldn’t make her boss look better as America was AGAIN graced with more words from the “smartest person” Joe Biden knows.

Good ol’ Hunter, Joe’s “special” child, decided that smoking crack, banging hookers and his dead brother’s wife, wasn’t enough proof that Joe Biden was a horrible father.

Hunter reached into his daddy’s bag and AGAIN reaffirmed that the Biden family thinks black are all “ni%%ers”.

Well played Democrats.

Well played.

Benjamin Netanyahu will apparently be leaving his place of “power”.

Who knows what is really going on in Israel but when Benji called Biden a “friend” I knew his days were numbered.

Joe Barack is clean and articulate Biden is a parasitic plague, and like all parasites, bleed healthy functioning organisms until the organism is dead.

There is no doubt somewhere in the next six to twelve months the curse of Biden will hit America in waves and when it does the rich Liberals living in all the major cities will look to flee just like they did during the RONA.

Everyone else stuck in these environments will have to live with their decisions to elect people based on skin color or gender rather than intellect, morals, and a genuine work ethic.

You’ve been warned by many, including the stupid white man, over and over that your support of drug usage, bigotry labeled as Affirmative Action, and overt Communism (government run and ruled economy) will bring about your demise.

You’ve been provided facts and proof that what you are supporting is comparable to the behavior of Castro, Stalin, and Hitler.

You’ve been told that if you continue down this road we will eventually deal with you.

Prepare yourselves as the cards have been dealt.

We have the aces.

Also known as bullets and when “all the laughter dies in sorrow, and the tears have risen to a flood”

Your fate will arrive, one round at a time, as you ticks will get no more blood.

Jason Kraus

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Israel to vote in new government amid parliament chaos, ending Netanyahu's 12-year rule

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ABIR SULTAN | AFP | Getty Images Israel’s Parliament, the Knesset, gathered to vote in its new government — and new prime minister for the first time in 12 years — on Sunday. The vote, set to ring in the leadership of a very diverse […]

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