Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: The New Normal

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“Sudden adult death syndrome suddenly spikes.”

“Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine impacts semen.”

“People have to stand up before we are led into a really bloody civil war.”

These are just a few of the headlines that floated around the internet this week.

Are they true?

Snopes says no, so that is more than enough for me to say yes, but for kicks let’s take a look using common sense.

“Sudden adult death” amazingly started after the RONA shots arrived.

By this time, most people personally know or know of someone who received the jab and died of “natural causes”.

For some more than one.

On a daily basis athletes under the age of forty are found dead, again of natural causes, or my personal favorite, no cause reported.

Sudden adult death syndrome isn’t “spiking”.

It’s been going on for a while now and more than likely will get dramatically worse depending upon the “booster” program and the willingness of Liberal and cowardly RINO parents to poison their children.

If by now you still need “proof” that the “vaccine” is and has killed people you are beyond help.

Please continue to wear your masks everywhere you go, including your cars and homes, so we can quickly identify the mentally incompetent and “red flag” you as someone who wants to pay $10.00 a gallon for gas.

Oh yeah it’s coming, especially in California.

As if killing people isn’t enough apparently the Chinavirus vax also “impacts semen.”

Without getting into the entire article it’s safe to say the vax didn’t increase semen so let us shift from one human fluid to the final headline and “bloody civil war.”

The “bloody civil war” headline transitioned into an article on how to stop Communism.

This is where I started to nod off as Communism has been embraced in America for decades with tens of millions screaming every day for its survival.

Capitalism is the exchange of a good or a service for a profit.

It has nothing to do with currency, cronies or social justice.

The owner of a goat can trade the goat for a cow and as long as both parties are in agreement a “profit” has been created.

Some may think a cow has more value but what others think is irrelevant.

It is up to the INDIVIDUAL to apply value to his or her good or service.

Communism is by definition a State run entity.

The State, a collection of humans who are neither productive nor profitable take from the producing and then dictate to the masses not only the value of the good or service, but also the availability of both and the actual value of each human.

Those that support the State have more value and can be given numerical ratings which has happened in China.

In the United States being liberal, according to the government, is one positive chip.

Liberal and black is two.

Liberal, black and female equals three.

Finally, liberal, black, female and lesbian is the progressive grand slam.

Federal, State and Local governments use these as requirements to be hired.

This is also known as Affirmative Action which the Supreme Court should deal with posthaste.

As stated previously Communism has overtaken these United States with tens of millions of willing participants.

Social Security is ripped from the employed/self-employed (twice) and profit creating businesses, and then doled out to whomever the State dictates, whether they’ve contributed or not.

Furthermore the businesses, who pay half of the money confiscated, get nothing in return while the employees who paid the other half have to wait until the State says yes you can have your money while they, year after year devalue the very money they promise to “give” you in the future.

Medicare is even worse.

Funds are forced from productive humans and then pooled by the State who then decides whether or not some people live and some people die.

Death Panels are very real things and we are still witnessing “healthcare” and its removal from people, including children, who refused to follow the commands of the State and receive the Corona “vaccine”.

This dictate from the State, and followed by the medical community, caused the deaths of tens of thousands as the Hippocratic Oath was annihilated.

Welfare, food stamps, housing vouchers, public unions, etc.

Communism is alive and well with the Federal Reserve doing its part to devalue the Dollar and kill American purchasing power.

Communism also known as Systemic Oppression uses terminology like equal outcome, Marxism and Democratic Socialism.

Capitalism explains human interaction through Freedom, personal responsibility and Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand.

Government (Communism) programs have always been the fall of every civilization.

A “bloody civil war?”

A bloodless coup already happened.

Decades ago.

So Jason what do we do?

We wait.

We have no other choice.

We wait until the “programs” fail.

We wait until the power goes out.

We wait until the People have no other choice but to defend themselves and then. . .

We require they do.

Until then plan, prepare and push freedom forward.

Shoulder to shoulder.

One voice at a time.



Worth it?

You’re damn right it is.

Jason Kraus

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