The only cure for politicians is Chemotherapy

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Although I have written and spoken about this quite a bit I have been trying to write another article on the abolishing of income tax and the benefits it will generate to not only the American worker but to American companies and eventually free societies everywhere as the individual has more monetary choice and financial freedom.

Not to mention it will be the only way the debt will be paid without war and/or a currency crisis.

With that said this current crop of politicians, and one spouse, continue to require I deal with their absurdity on a weekly basis.

It’s as though they cannot help themselves.

Of course this is impossible as we know they do nothing but help themselves.

For example…

Michelle Obama’s “all this for a flag” statement is a troubling collection of words.  Yes Michelle, you are free because of the men and women who fought, lived, and died in protection and defense of “that flag”.

Furthermore some of those men and women who died looked a lot like your “son”…if you had one.

Nancy Pelosi’s comment that Hamas is a humanitarian organization is a stunning admission of either complete insanity or pure evil.

Hamas ( a terrorist organization and the elected government of the “Palestinian Authority”) believes in Islamic Sharia Law.  Sharia Law treats women as property and homosexuals as people to be removed from the planet…permanently.

So Democratic voters, who are WOMEN and/or homosexual, you are voting for someone who calls misogyny, bigotry, and murder “humanitarian”.

Are you starting to understand why Democratic cities and States are struggling so much?

No?  Okay.  Let me continue.

Maxine Waters (California congresswoman) actually made a speech where she stated Sharia Law and the United States Constitution are compatible.

Not only is this completely false but it is also treasonous for a sitting U.S. Representative to, even in theory, attempt to replace the laws of our land with anything else.

That she chose Islamic “Law” as a compatible engine only shows her lack of Constitutional Law…or her depth of hatred for women, homosexuals, Jews, and anything American.

By supporting the Democratic Party, in anyway, you are supporting Maxine Waters.



How about Missouri Democratic State Senator Jamilah Nasheed?  According to reports, this collection of intelligence and morality proclaimed cutting welfare payments to her constituency would drive them to prostitution and crime (prostitution is considered a crime Jamilah) in order to provide for their families.

According to Senator Nasheed if the tax payers of Missouri don’t give money to the people whom elected her then a mad dash to the corner is about to take place?

“Heyyyy baby… you so fine…you be looking to partay?”


Looting and stealing from the local neighborhood businesses is going to what…get worse?

Hey Jamilah have you not heard of places like Compton, Watts, Ferguson, or Baltimore?  The looting and stealing is ALREADY taking place!

If Jamilah is right, for the sake of the good people in Missouri, welfare should be cut off immediately.

Look what decades of free money has created.  People who now cannot do anything except pimp, pander, and loot if that money is removed…according to the State Senator.

What a breath of fresh air she must be when she returns home to the voters.  I can only imagine her opening statement.

“People…I have good news and bad news…the bad news first.  The racist State of Missouri is cutting your welfare.  What’s that?  Are they cutting mine too?  Of course not you silly peasants.  I get paid in real money!  I get paid to look out for you!  Why is that?  Because you elected me!  Hold on, hold on.  That’s the bad news.  The good news is you now have every reason to loot, steal, maim, sell drugs, or your bodies.

Why is that?

Because I said so besides what else you gonna do?  State Senator is taken.”

If Missouri was smart they’d cut off the welfare and give the cops a raise.

Still not enough?

Boy, Democrats what is it going it take?

Self proclaimed Democratic Socialist (even the communists know socialism doesn’t work)  United States Senator Bernie Sanders stated “America should look more like Scandinavian countries”.

Scandinavian countries are listed as Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.

Hmmm… a slip of the tongue here?

America should “look” more like Scandinavian countries?

Hey Colonel, you understand these countries are overwhelmingly Caucasian right?

This means they “look” like they have white skin.

Anyone home Senator?

It appears Mr. Sanders is playing the lead role in a “Weekend at Bernie’s”.

Come on Democrats!

Get your message together.

Bernie wants to “look” like Denmark while the Congressional Black Caucus is ranting about White Privilege and “Hands up, don’t shoot” even though all of this is an overt lie…and they know it.

Throw in a splash of crazy uncle Joe Biden “put y’all back in chains”, add a smidgen of the Baltimore mayor’s “create space for room to destroy”, and a dash of Illinois Congressman Luis Guitierrez calling for the “militancy” of illegals against American citizens and there you have it.

Democracy in full bloom.

Or as we responsible Americans call it…the J.V. Team.

Oh but wait…we have more.

We also have politicians who call themselves Republicans, but believe in practice and theory, that we are a Democracy.

I cannot count how many times (well I can but what is the point?  The number continues to grow) I have heard Republican politicians proclaim “America is a democracy”.

Well then…why do you call yourselves Republicans?

At a bare minimum any Republican politician should at least know we are not a democracy.

Say it with me you Karl Rovian clowns.

I pledge allegiance to the flag (that’s for you Michelle) of the United States of America (not Denmark Bernie) and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands.

Did you get that Reince Priebus?

And to the REPUBLIC!

The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic.  The word Democracy isn’t even found in the Constitution…ever!

Let’s clear up the madness.

We have two political parties…currently.

We have the J.V. team (Barack’s Democratic Donkeys) …and the guys who can’t beat the J.V. team (Rhino’s Republican collection of Elephant dung).

Fact:  They both lie.

Fact:  They both love debt.

One tries to sell us as a “fact of the matter” (will someone please tell all these talking heads on television it is a “matter of fact”) that America is racist, bigoted, homophobic, stupid, narcissistic, and racist again.

Debt is good, raising taxes is definitely needed, and if you are white, or depending on their current agenda, male, you are the devil incarnate.

All women are oppressed unless they don’t vote the appropriate way.  If they don’t vote the appropriate way they are still oppressed but too stupid to know it.

Anyone with black or brown skin has no chance in America and needs government funds to even survive.

Anyone with black or brown skin who disagrees with that is an Uncle Tom, or a “pendejo” who doesn’t deserve to be here.

Then we have the other party.

The party so obtuse they cannot find a way to lead a nation that is so desperate for any semblance of responsible leadership it continues its self immolation, year after year, election after election.

We need a new way.

I am here doing my part.

I will be traveling throughout America soon continuing to do my part but I cannot do this alone.

An avenue must be created so individual Americans can come forward from all over America and put their names on the line to serve as Representatives, Senators, and Presidents.

It’s time to face reality.

The Democratic and Republican Parties are cancerous entities.  They breed corruption, greed, bigotry, racism, and fear.

There will never be enough lipstick for these pigs.

There will never be enough chemotherapy for this kind of malignancy.

We must have truth.  We must restore justice.  We must reclaim America.

One voice at a time.

Your voice.

Right now.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus available on Kindle, Ibooks, and Amazon.

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

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