Roar With Me

FAN Moderator

I love these United States. I thank the Big Fella Upstairs everyday that I was born in America. It is the greatest home field advantage known to man. So while I am on the planet I demand of myself to always have the American experience.


The founders of our great Constitutional Republic (we are not a democracy) knew exactly what they were doing when they created the 1st Amendment and ranked first the freedom of speech. I’m sure I will hear from some attorney that the amendments all carry the same weight and legal importance. Just another reason we don’t need anymore attorneys in any level of government. The important things always come first. That’s why dessert is last.

Yesterday I posted a column about the State of the Union speech given on Tuesday. America was ready and you roared! Just in the first twenty four hours the Lions of America took the column and shared it over four hundred times. Amen brothers and sisters! Let the truth be known!

Of course I did hear from a few Obama supporters. It’s okay. As I’ve said in the past everyone is welcome to comment. But just because they are welcome doesn’t mean the things they are saying are factual. They aren’t. One seemingly well intentioned Obama supporter asked “can’t we all just get along?”

Well…that’s kind of how we got here in the first place.

For those of you who’ve been with me for a while you know I wrote a column on CO-EXISTING and you know how I feel about it. For those of you interested just scroll down the page. Co-existing is the same as “can’t we all just get along?”

Well sure. I and millions of Americans like me are nice, hard working, personally responsible people. We work hard, save our money, protect our neighborhoods, donate to charities, etc. We are easy to get along with until…

You call us racists, homophobes, or bigots. We don’t take kindly to these terms. Not because we care what you think. We don’t. We don’t like it because it isn’t true. Most of us are live and let live people, as long as you aren’t hurting anyone or yourself. But when you decide to harm others…we aren’t going to get along.

If you think pedophiles and rapists deserve a second chance…we aren’t going to get along.

If you think treating women and children like property under the guise of religion is okay…we aren’t going to get along.

If you think elected leaders crushing us with debt and lying to us is okay…we aren’t going to get along.

If you think Barack Obama is doing a good job…we aren’t going to get along.

If you think George Bush did a good job…we aren’t going to get along.

And if you think criticizing any American Soldier while they put their lives on the line serving our country and following orders is okay…trust me…we will never get along.

For those of you out there who believe it’s okay to “get along” with this type of belief system…well…that’s a You problem…and a big one at that.

I’ve been fighting bullies my entire life. I will never “get along” with oppression. I and millions like me will defend others against the things listed above and even though our American Soldiers don’t need protection, as the Big Fella Upstairs has our backs, we will have theirs.

God bless the greatest nation in the history of man!

Roar with me.

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Debt, Pimp, and Fruit Loops

When Barack Obama met with “Pimp with a Limp”…we were working. When Obama met with Al Sharpton…we were working. When Obama met with a woman who bathed herself in milk and Fruit Loops…we were working. As stated previously those who’ve been with me for a while know how I feel […]

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