Lies, Damn Lies, and Gruber

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It is truly an amazing thing when the human animal ignores its instincts. I read a theory one time pertaining to the fact that in the blink of an eye our brain/instincts give us every piece of important information about the situation in front of us. I completely agree.

It takes me no more than a blink of my eyes to process what is happening in my present situation.

The problem is most of us will ignore, justify, or rationalize the things we are seeing putting us in potential danger. This is happening now. For years I’ve discussed the fight or flight mechanism in all of us. When danger appears adrenaline will immediately release into our systems allowing us to fight or run.

For anyone who has ever been in a fight or dangerous situation you know the controlling of this adrenaline must take place otherwise it can become a paralyzing force. What we’ve witnessed in America for quite a while now is that third option.

Rather than fight or flight many will freeze or do nothing when confronted with danger. Part of this is due to our society generally being peaceful. Most of us aren’t having to physically defend ourselves on a daily basis. This is of course a good thing but the skills needed to stay sharp begin to fade, and as the body goes, so goes the mind.

America is blinking and not wanting to believe what she is seeing.

It seems almost impossible if not absurd to seriously question the motives and belief system of the President of the United States.

Collectively the majority has looked the other way or simply closed their eyes to the reality that is now here.

Using Barack Obama’s own words I can call him unpatriotic. He proclaimed this about George Bush crushing us with debt. He makes Bush look like an amateur in this department.

I can use Obama’s own words to prove he is an overt liar. Keep your doctor, health insurance, not a smidgen of corruption, heard about things on the news. These are all lies easy to prove.

Jonathon Gruber actually backs up Obama’s lies with lies of his own not to mention calling Democratic voters stupid.

Lois Lerner “apologized” for her part in the corruption and then took the fifth.

We KNOW Obama is being updated on everything long before it ever hits the press in print or on television.

What’s even crazier about all of this is Obama and his minions are on VIDEO lying. We don’t need to search for proof. It’s everywhere and in color! You don’t have to read about it in black and white or worry about “context”.

The man has lied so many times about so many things I am amazed anyone even tunes in anymore.

Now many Obama supporters are staring into the abyss knowing they were had. What’s worse is they know they were manipulated by a man and his cohorts who used issues very dear to them.

Whether you agree with their views isn’t the point. The Obama supporter is very passionate about specific individual issues. Things that go to their very core fulfilling their need to belong.

As most of us know these issues are race, amnesty, abortion and homosexuality. Please do not fill up my page or email with your beliefs on this. This isn’t the point of this column.

The point is to show the Obama supporter knows they’ve been lied to and is hurt deeply by this. As they continue blinking their eyes they don’t want to believe they’ve been used…but deep down they now know they have.

Don’t get me wrong. There will always be some humans who will never accept the truth.

How do I know this?

Bush still has a few supporters.

But as the curtain is pulled back Obama’s supporters are sadly realizing he not only isn’t there for them…he never intended to be.

Their lives aren’t better. Sadly things have actually gotten worse. The influx of even more illegals suppresses wages and bombards our schools and hospitals. The politicians and media can try and spin it by creating new formulas to make the numbers look better but everyone knows the truth.

47 million on food stamps/welfare.

18 trillion in debt and rising.

You give me trillions of dollars I can make anything look good on a spread sheet.

The problem is the spread sheet is a lie just like Obama and the dollars aren’t free.

America, do you really think we can ignore this without repercussion?

Just blink brothers and sisters of all races, religions, and creeds. It’s time to deal with the cancer amongst us. If we wait too long this disease will spread everywhere requiring a medication none of us want and many won’t survive. Debt has no loyalty. When it comes calling it will wipe out everything in its path.

It your time. It’s my time. It’s our time. As one of my favorite lines of all time says,

“It’s the fullness of time.”

But you have to rise, hold steady your vision, and share the message. I will never stop but this is a monumental task we are undertaking. I need your help every day to continue making a difference. As we build this platform together one voice at a time my only goal is to serve you free of corruption by never taking a single penny in campaign contributions. To not accept a salary.

Power is a tremendous responsibility. Anyone thinking they will not be hardened through the process is foolish which is why I am only willing to serve be one term. For the good of the country the authority of the Presidency must not be held in any hands longer than one term. Besides if things haven’t improved in four years four more isn’t going to make them better. In fact we now know the worst comes out of these people in their second terms.

Unlike the last three narcissists to hold this position I am not egocentric. I also know I am fallible which is why I’ve put in my own check and balance.

One term.

Anyone unwilling to do the same should never be trusted with such power.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring America one voice at a time.

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