
FAN Moderator

Humans love to repeat thoughts or ideas regardless of truth, reliability, or even validity.

One such statement we hear constantly is Democracy is messy.  The implication is because Democracy is “messy” this makes it valid and/or reliable.

This is of course false.

Democracy isn’t messy.  It flows very cleanly from Oligarchy and leads to Tyranny.

Those without knowledge have accepted the label of Democrat, or even worse, Democratic Socialist, and they rant, rave, and argue at the thought of Democracy leading to Tyranny.

I use to tell them often “you aren’t arguing with me, you are arguing with the creator of the system.  You are arguing with Socrates.”

I don’t say this anymore because I don’t speak with Stupid Humans anymore.

I strongly suggest everyone join me in this endeavor.

It is quite freeing and relieves virtually all negative stress from our lives.

This always brings silence, as facts always do for a few seconds, to the organism known as Democrat, before the conglomeration of seizure-like non-verbal communication, takes place.

Even frothing can happen as the Truth hits the “Liberal Democrat”.

It can be a visually painful experience watching a human of adult age viscerally know they are wrong but fight and claw to push that information deep into the recesses of their brain where reality goes to die…and cause strokes.

I have more respect for most incarcerated inmates than Democratic Voters.  Most inmates (after sobering up) KNOW their decisions were and are wrong and many will even tell you so.

Some will even try to better themselves while in prison.

Not many, but some.

The Democrat doesn’t even try.

In this day and age the Democrat isn’t a wounded animal attempting to survive.  It isn’t misunderstood genius awaiting a new type of species.

The Liberal is the bottom of the barrel.  The melted cheese on the AM/PM wrapper only wanted by the ants.

Cockroach flora.

Seems a bit harsh Jason.


Here is a title of a column found on Yahoo from Robert “Third” Reich.

“Enough of this Madness.  Trump Must Go Now.”

Well okay then.

If Slick Willy’s right hand man says so, then it must be so.

Of course this putrid coward won’t actually try.  He is hoping to inflame others who will continue to behave like Democrats and lead America into Tyranny.


It isn’t just Bobby “Richie” Reich who is pushing for this.  Over and over the ignorant wail “we are losing our Democracy” never mind not one of them has ever lived under such a form of government.

At least not in the United States.

As stated over and over we are a Republic.

A Constitutional Republic to be exact, not that it matters to the Democrats or RINOS, because they don’t care about America, the Rule of Law, or the Constitution.

They care about power.

This isn’t new in human behavior but the hope was when these United States were created, a new path would be taken.

“A great experiment” was to ensue.

Could men and women rule themselves without Kings or Queens, or some type of Overlord to keep the “unwashed masses” in check?

Would Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand” be unleashed in the New World?

Could the one palatable form (temporarily) of Government in Socrates Five (Democracy) be replaced with something else as to not let another human civilization fall into Tyranny?

The answer was Yes, Yes, and YES!

All three happened and flourished, ripped apart slavery, crushed Nazism, and eventually broke Communism into little pieces.

The strength of the Individual known as American roared through two centuries making a better place for those, who wanted a better place.

A population that historically made up less than five percent of the world was putting a man on the moon, “opening China” and removing the Berlin Wall.

This same country is now trillions in debt, hundreds of trillions owed in retirement and medical, and in need of a wall to stop criminality, and frankly invasion.

What happened?

Apathy for one.

The Me Generation for two.

Finally, we stopped being Americans.

Some, out of necessity, became Tea Party Patriots, while others stooped to Compassionate Conservatism, wallowed around in the stench known as Progressive Liberalism or followed Jim Bernie Sanders Jones into Democratic Socialism.

We stopped being a Republic and reverted back to Democracy which is now prepped to be replaced by Tyranny.

Already happened in parts of Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, etc.

So what do we do?

WE remember that these United States are the “great experiment” and with all experiments we must have experiences.

Some good.  Some in the learning category, but we continue to push, prod, and punch whenever and wherever needed.

I didn’t put up a 10 second video of myself deadlifting over four hundred pounds for oohs and aahs.

Well maybe one aah.

I put it up to show that preparation comes in all forms, shapes, and sizes and we must be prepared for the “good” and more importantly the “learning” moments if we are to survive and thrive as Individuals.

As Americans.

Be bold, be brave, and ROAR at each and every opportunity you receive to serve the greatest country in the history of man.

The greatest experiment.

One doesn’t play chess to learn how the pawns are sacrificed.

We play chess to ensure there is no King or Queen, no OverLord, no Democracy, so that each individual Pawn has a chance to become anything they want.

A knight, a bishop, or a Michigan rock star.

That when each and every Pawn has that opportunity to pursue happiness they will always stand in service and with pride to the greatest collection of colors that has ever waved.

The Red, White, and Blue.

The Greatest Experiment is still alive but currently struggling.

It is time for all Americans to prepare their bodies and minds and to be ready to STAND shoulder to shoulder wherever and whenever the call comes.

Those that kneel are about to be run over.

The Greatest Experiment bows for no one, and as always, it will be the Pawns leading the way.

Jason Kraus

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