Duty not Desire

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A question was asked recently,  “Why do you want to be President?”  It’s a great question and one that must be asked of anyone applying for the job.  There’s been lots of different answers over the years. Most of them are lies.

My answer is this.  “I don’t want to be President.”

Anyone who is sane and genuinely spends anytime thinking about doing this job will always come to the same conclusion.


“Want” cannot be the reason.

The incredible power and overwhelming responsibility should stop any rational, ethical human immediately, eliciting a resounding “who would WANT to do that?”

The reason the last three Presidents have been such failures is due to the fulfilling of their own “wants” or desires.

Anyone proclaiming to want to be President of the United States should be ruled out immediately.

Want isn’t strong enough.

It has to be about service.

It has to be about duty.

American soldiers did not WANT to storm Normandy Beach.  Our best and our bravest did not WANT to be air lifted and dropped into Vietnam.  Today’s heroes do not WANT to be anywhere near Afghanistan or Iraq.

American soldiers continue to step in front of harms way because of DUTY.

Duty to their brothers.  Duty to America.

They know the politicians lie.  They are the “boots on the ground”.  Their information or intel is accurate because they are experiencing first hand what politicians continue to ignore or lie about and yet the American Soldier still stands and delivers every time.  It’s well beyond want.

Their call to duty and belief in America and American values are why they continue to answer the call everyday, even in the face of extreme circumstances.

I don’t “want” to be President.

I’ve given this subject a lot of thought.  The next person to take the job will be coming into an incredible mess where brutally difficult decisions pertaining to human life and death will have to be made in order to protect freedom here and around the world.  The next person will have to undo decades of corruption, coercion, and criminal activity.  They will receive death threats if not very real attempts on their life.  Every word, every syllable uttered from this person’s mouth will be dissected, dismembered, and purposely displaced.  With each decision the ethical leader will always internally inquire,”am I sure I am making the right call”, knowing full well there is no right decision in many cases.  Just things that unfortunately have to be done because of past deeds or current crisis.  With many of these decisions, the ethical mind will wonder (rightly so) if they are losing part or all of their soul.

Yet with everything just listed the stress of the Presidency pales in comparison to the American Soldier in combat.

In fact it doesn’t compare at all.

The American Soldier believes in duty and service to America.

It’s time the Commander-in-chief does as well.

One term, no campaign contributions, no salary.

Service to the people.  Service to our military.  Service to America.

I don’t “want” to be President.

It’s well beyond this.

Duty not desire.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


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