Chesa and his Daddies

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As I thought about subject matter this week I came across this title of an article from a Liberal rag.

“Oil prices have soared. Why won’t OPEC bring them down?”


I thought it was Putin and the Russians?

While Biden and apparently now OPEC (insert laugh track here) continue to rob Americans of their buying power, Democrats in San Francisco reportedly voted at a 60/40 split to recall Chesa Boudin, the “Progressive” District Attorney spawned from two murdering cop killing felons.

They simultaneously also voted at a roughly 60/40 split to re-elect Progressive Gavin Newsom.


Only in Liberal Land.

Even more ridiculous was the Los Angeles Mayoral race.

A lifelong Republican changed his Party designation to Democrat.

Without this change he stood absolutely no chance, which he astutely realized, and was rewarded as he finished first in votes.

Same guy, same views, same “white privileged” history yet a simple change to (D)onkey and the Los Angeles Libs ate him up with a spoon while again voting for the drug addled do as I say not as I do mask Nazi Newsom.

Dem voters are easily some of the stupidest humans in the history of Man even surpassing Liz Cheney supporters, a difficult task indeed.

Speaking of stupid, California voters continue to pay for their support of Communism at the gas pump with most stations now over $6.00 a gallon and as high as $9.75.

These prices are starting to have an effect on drivers as I personally witnessed this week driving down Highway 50 at noon on a Wednesday.

Historically it is bumper to bumper, horns blaring, everyone creeping along around thirty miles an hour.

Today I barely touched my breaks while a plethora of drivers ripped by me doing eighty as the new traffic “RONA” erased vehicles.

At $10.00 a gallon, which is coming, one can only imagine the breeze of a commute flying by a Starbucks every other mile sans lines as no one can afford to idle in the drive-thru anymore.

My guess is The Bucks will start closing stores, like they did in New York, after the employees voted to unionize.

Criminally ridden Liberal cities, $10.00 a gallon gas and private sector union busting.

Look out San Francisco.

Now that you’ve kicked Chesa out, Bill Ayers may change his plans to bomb the Supreme Court and seek revenge for his adopted son.

It wouldn’t be the first time.

Talk about “chickens coming home to roost”.

Thanks Obama.

Jason Kraus

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