Do not open that door!!!

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What a fascinating time in the world.

Sometimes it feels as though I am watching a horror flick where the music becomes darker and the actor starts to turn a handle on a door that you know they shouldn’t be opening.  Some people will scream at the TV, “NO! Do not open that door!”, while others squirm on the couch thinking the same thing.

Of course they open it and out comes Pandora, box and all.

Or Freddy Krueger, take your pick.

Why do we keep opening the same door?

“Hillary Clinton once proclaimed”…that’s all you should need….

Don’t open the door.

“Bill Clinton”…again all you should need…..

Leave the door shut.


Are you with me now?

The one thing all of these people and politicians in general have proven is they don’t care about freedom, America, you, or me.

There are things we know and things we don’t know.

We know this.  They don’t care about our plight, our lives, really anything about us.  These types of people are like a Hoover vacuum (not fair to Hoover).  They will suck up everything they can to fulfill the void in their lives.

Money, resources, the truth, even human lives do not matter to these people.

Yet we continue to “open the door”.

Or do we?

Some democratic voters (not enough) currently abhor Hillary Clinton.  They proved this last time when they went with a guy whose middle name was “Hussein”.

I think we should start pronouncing it “Insane”.

For sake of clarity.

It’s only “fair” to keep things “balanced”.

Hussein as in Saddam was a Sunni.

“Insane” as in Obama prefers Shiite and I do believe would appreciate the adherence to his strict dogma not be confused.  Never fear BO…you are in good hands.

From this day further I bequeath onto Barry, Barack…it’s all so confusing…his official name and title:

Barack Insane Obama.

I think it has a nice ring.

But then again who is the insane party here?

A man who lies, lies to cover lies, then lies some more because those lies seem to work…or the people who continue to go along with the lies when they know none of it is true.

We the American people have bestowed our trust, not once but twice, into a man who struggles to keep up with current events, unless they can be found on television, but always has his NCAA bracket turned in on time.  Never mind the fact he thought it important to explain to us what his son would look like…if he had one.

Before this we placed our belief, twice, in a man who announced to the world that the Mission was Accomplished and then left our best and bravest behind in the hands of…Barack Insane Obama who repeatedly told anyone who would listen exactly what he was going to do in that region of the world…before he was elected.

Finally before all of this we placed our country, twice, in the hands of a man who was confounded by the word “is”, proclaimed “oral sex” wasn’t “sex” (wouldn’t this be the same as green apples aren’t apples?) and stated he smoked pot but didn’t “inhale”.  Now I am certainly not an “expert” on marijuana but if you don’t “inhale” what is the point?

Of course when you struggle with “is” I guess anything is possible…and boy howdy “is” it!

We are now in 2015 and the wife of the man who defined “oral sex” as not being “sex” (while “not” having sex with “that woman”) wants to be President.

Don’t laugh.  Millions of Americans “is” willing to vote for her.

I have no doubt they are inhaling.

But wait there’s more.

The brother of the guy who left the greatest military in history in the hands of “Insane” also wants to be President.

No no stop laughing.

This is true and according to polling (I’m guessing they are polling the same people they weekly ask about their job status) the brother of the man who struggled to pronounce nuclear is leading all Republican “hopefuls”.

It appears an epiphany is in order.

I am done blaming Curly, Moe, and Barry.

Let us put the responsibility of their behavior exactly where it belongs.

On us.

We put them there.

We’ve allowed them to convince us that to be safe we had to ignore the laws of America.

We’ve been convinced drugs are good, saving money is bad, and hard work is for the foolish.

That climate change is controlled by human consumption but adding millions of consuming illegal “immigrants” will somehow save the day.

That never ending debt, war, and greed will bring us peace and prosperity.

It appears we need a fifth grader…we may be better off with a child leading us.

Although two more years of Common Core and they may not understand “is” either.

Still, with the leader of the Choom Gang attempting to shoot par as often as possible I have no doubt more kids will learn to inhale.

That will be one thing Net Neutrality certainly won’t slow down.

Ahh America…just leave the door shut and open a window to a new path, a brighter day.

Free will still prevails here.

Let us gather our people and ensure Freedom still exists in the future.

One voice at a time.

This is OUR country!!!

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


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