30 Days In

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Barely a month in and the Biden-Harris bohunk trip through Wonderland has again been slowed as they bounced off the walls of the rabbit hole they’ve so wantonly plunged.

Bunker Biden might be better served if he permanently returned to the basement as his bigoted schtick seems to never end.

Shia supporter and cocaine snorter Barack Obama was the first to be found Biden worthy by being “clean and articulate”.

Apparently the Choom Gang leader enjoyed the bigoted banter, as he chose the man whose hairy legs entertained the “blacks” by the pool, in Joe’s more carefree days.

From that point on Robert Byrd Biden unleashed himself onto the world proclaiming that blacks all think the same, aren’t black if they don’t vote for him and too stupid to get photo identification.

As if that wasn’t enough, and apparently it isn’t as crack addict Hunter’s daddy reportedly carried the black vote, Biden decided to reach out and extend his bigotry by saying both blacks and browns don’t know how to use the internet.

So to summarize, the current resident in the Oval Office believes blacks all think the same, forfeit their skin color if they didn’t vote for him, are too stupid to get their picture taken or use the internet, and enjoy rubbing his shaggy shanks.

Liberals are truly pathetic and definitely sub-human.

The backup plan for the late-term Catholic is a woman infamous for riding Willie Brown’s political casting couch all the way to the ultimate glass ceiling, posting bail for criminals across America, and calling for reparations while ignoring her family’s history of slavery.

Thanks Obama!

While the groper-in-chief vacillated between wearing one mask or two, Dr. Seuss Fauci was found wandering cable news, pontificating on the wide variety of new strains roaming around New York City and Los Angeles.

Those new twists are actually called homeless and unemployed.

Never fear though struggling Americans, ol Joe is wanting to legalize 30 million criminal foreign nationals to ease your economic pain and if that doesn’t work will bring in someone from the Cuomo administration to help you navigate through the RONA.

Especially you elderly folks specifically living in assisted facilities.

Wink, wink.

Washington D. C. where men aren’t men, women aren’t women, and the beef will soon be synthetic.

Where a man who stole computer code from IBM and Apple now believes he is an expert on all things.

Where Seth Rich’s murder is still unsolved.

Isn’t that right Donna Brazile?

Jason Kraus



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