Make your choice count

jason kraus

“You are free to choose but you are not free from the consequence of your choice.”

Many in these United States do not understand or appreciate how many humans around the world are not free to choose for fear of imprisonment or death.

The greatness of America has allowed each new generation to inherit freedom while teaching individual responsibility…until the late sixties.

After 40 plus years of the incremental breakdown of the family unit, rampant sexual irresponsibility, and the allowance of credit to anyone with a pulse, every American child born in the last decade will have less freedom and choices than their parents.

Today’s choices will guarantee our future. Your individual decisions will shape a greater or lesser opportunity for our children.

That is sowed shall be reaped.

The level of success or pain in this reaping depends on our decisions today.

The choice to do the right thing is always correct.

Let us not allow those that do, to be punished by those who do not.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

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