Ring of Fire

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If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around does it make any noise?

I remember hearing this question as a young person.  I was fascinated by the idea of action-reaction or action-consequence, depending on your taste.

I’ve watched and heard many trees fall.

When I was present a sound was certainly made.  I’ve also walked through forests and witnessed trees on the ground laying silently knowing they had to have fallen, but for me, there was no noise.

It appears many in America have discovered Pavlov and are uncomfortably conditioned to “not hear” the sound of the tree…falling directly on them.

Then again…how much sound does it really make…and for how long?

I was in Oakland, CA last weekend for business.  Driving down Broadway everything appeared calm.  Commerce was taking place.  Cars and pedestrians were moving at normal speeds.  To arrive at my preferred location I made a couple of turns that took me down side roads.  I didn’t witness any “crime” but the collection of humans milling around with seemingly no destination while dressed in their pajamas definitely told those of us paying attention “trees” had fallen in this community many times and although they made no sound currently…the noise was deafening.

Upon my arrival I engaged in conversation with an auto dealer.  After exchanging pleasantries I commented on the armed guard that I’d passed up the street.

“Yeah this place got a little crazy a few weeks ago…you know the riots and all.  They actually burned over fifty cars just up the road.”

I turned and looked in the direction he had pointed.  There weren’t any vehicles left that I could see or any visible scars from this latest attack on America.  It was almost as if it didn’t happen.  But upon closer analysis the damage of decades of “falling trees” could be seen everywhere.

Unkempt streets, pock-marked with divots were the norm.  Gangs announced their presence with graffiti leaving a painfully dark energy amongst the humans attempting to survive.  Aforementioned pajama wearing dwellers stood in groups of two or three with slumped shoulders and bowed heads with the ever present blank stare of an animal having no thoughts of gain and nothing to lose.


Also known as Jerry Brown’s town.

Democracy in full effect.

The people in Oakland overwhelmingly vote for people like Brown, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama.  Although their city is a mess, taxes are out of control, and crime is rampant, they continue to elect the same dead wood, every election cycle, year after year.

The Oak is known to be a strong tree.

It appears it is time to free the Oak from this habitat.

It’s only appropriate as they’ve cut down all the trees anyway.

Let us rename Oakland.

I think Flush has a nice ring to it (and better water awareness).

As in only going down…when Brown.

Thanks Jerry.

Unfortunately this mindset isn’t only found in “Flush”.

It’s also grows like a tapeworm in Los Angeles, New York City, Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore.

Hmm…I am sensing a trend.

I often wonder as I drive down the road, while going to work, how America will turn out.

I feel a sense of duty to serve her in anyway she requires but these days…well it’s getting harder to know where to point my bullhorn.

Expensive cars whip by me at meteoric speeds, hustling and bustling to a wide variety of drive up restaurants who make our food and drink for us.

Two hundred dollar cell phones are attached to the ear of every person I see.  Some of them struggle with their pants and underwear but the phone is there nevertheless.

The stock markets are at all-time highs, and according to the government unemployment is the lowest it’s been in decades.

The dollar is strong around the world, and again according to reports, and our lovely President, we aren’t at war anymore.

A Nobel award winning economist named Paul Krugman has proclaimed debt is not only good, but of it, we are much more in need.

You are in luck Paul, as debt, is the one thing we have in droves.

Republican politicians are now embracing Obamacare and the ever growing Medicare program.

Professor Paul from his ivory tower should love this as the debt piling on through everyone having “affordable healthcare” is astounding and on its way to astronomical heights. Right along with all believers in man made “Climate Change” this individual will go down as a “Flat Earther”.

Of course this is the same man who announced we could simply “mint” a few trillion dollar coins and pay off our national debt.

Good job Nobel.  Good job.

Between your awarding Paulie Shore Krugman a Nobel Prize in Economics and Barack Obama a Nobel Prize in Peace (America has been at war every second of his Presidency, not to mention the man hates half of America, most of Israel, wanted to bomb Syria, is “flexible” with Communist Russia, and has overtly chosen Shiite over Sunni Islam) it appears No Clue is more appropriate than Nobel.

Due to the sounds coming out of Paul and Barry’s mouths on a daily basis it is fair to say many “trees” have fallen on them.

If not so serious it would almost be laughable (almost) that we are being dictated to by people who refer to themselves as a Liberal with a Conscience (an oxymoron)…or were part of the Choom Gang.

I will give this one to Obama.

At least he owned it.  He liked(s) to smoke pot and/or cocaine.

Unlike Krugman who portends Liberals have consciences and pretends he understands economics.

But hey, maybe these two squawk boxes are right.

Is debt good?

Are drugs okay?

Type two diabetes is a sign of a wealthy people?

Abandoning American troops in foreign lands is now allowable?

Cops being murdered almost daily throughout America?

College professors stating the only thing wrong with America is the presence of white males?

So let us harken back to the beginning.

When a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?

I don’t know whether an auditory effect actually takes place.

I do know this.

There are a lot of trees on the ground that are splintered, weathered, and strong.  They’ve absorbed and taken many hits for our country.  They are now covering America with their strength, intertwined in one another, as dry as can be, providing the tinder and awaiting the spark.

The spark that sets the American blaze in motion incinerating the lies and eviscerating the liars.

That spark is everywhere in America.  It is found in small towns, country stores, and mountain tops.  But most importantly it is found in every home who believes in Freedom and the Greatness of America.

Oh yes it is.

One need only know where to look.

For those of you still not sure simply gaze into the face of your beloved children and for those of you who do not have little ones just walk into your nearest room with a mirror and take a good look.

There’s your spark.

Shoulder to shoulder.

America awaits your arrival.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus available on Kindle, Ibooks, and Amazon

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


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