Just Due It

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Each week I attempt to share a measurement of the world, a small glimpse into the madness. A big part of this is the gathering of information and there is no better or more accurate info than person to person communication. Yes, bias still exists and yes opinions can differ but the premise of the truth always shines through as that is my entire focus because truth protects freedom.

This week I had the pleasure of speaking with multiple people who love America, but unlike myself, still speak with friends or family who support systemic oppression known as Liberalism.

I won’t do it anymore as the allowance of behavioral cancer only causes death and destruction.

A current example of this can be found with the world condemning and sending military weapons to Ukraine while purchasing oil and natural gas from Russia.

Cutting Putin and his oligarchs off from the selling of their products, and removing them from the banking system, would remove their teeth and have them standing in line for their own toilet paper but like many in America the world keeps funding the worst parts of humanity.

I digress.

One friend in particular has given me an excellent read over the years on the Progressives as he has multiple friends and family members who left the dark side in 2016 and voted for Trump. This and quite a few conversations from across the country was the reason I was sure Donald Trump would be chosen over Hillary Clinton.

Also known as our last quasi-legitimate election.

Recently as we spoke he regaled and repeated a story he’d picked up from a friend about Democrats and the death penalty. When his friend knew he had Liberals around him he’d state, “I don’t believe in the electric chair.” He’d wait until the Libs nodded their heads in agreement and then announce, “I believe in electric bleachers” as the triggered Dems stood with maws agape.

It is under this umbrella I asked my friend about someone close to him who over the years I’d been informed was a Liberal who hated Trump.

He relayed a tale that had just taken place in the Bay Area. Apparently, at a social gathering a man stood and went on for ten minutes about his hatred for Joe Biden. There were many in the room who had voted for Biden who now nodded and agreed with the speaker including the person to which he is close.

My friend’s thought was the country had finally awakened.

I listened and then asked about that aforementioned person .

“He hates Biden now but would he vote for Trump or vote Republican?” was my question.

He answered, “I doubt it.”

In the face of facts, economic disasters and the continued death of women and children happening every second of every day because of our wide open Biden border Liberals still will not change course and continue to support the Obamas, the Clintons, Gavin Newsom and Stacey Abrams.

Just not Brandon because he isn’t “progressive” enough.

I have another friend who relayed something slightly different.

Apparently a large corporation had two employees whose opinions on the mask mandate differed greatly.

The “woke” individual started to orally challenge the other employee while the “wokies” friends captured video on their phones as the masked and mask less squared off. Reportedly the masked got in the unmasked face and did the spittle thing.

This is technically a battery but in today’s world of violence no arrest happened.

The unmasked took offense and “knocked out” the spitter.

The spitter received days off to “heal”.

The unmasked was fired.

I’m sure as most of you are reading this your emotions were and are similar to mine.

Liberal starts a problem, gets their just due, and everyone else gets punished.

However we have a slight wrinkle to this story.

Apparently the individual who’d been terminated complained that he’d been “canceled” even though he was a big Progressive who hated Trump and voted for Biden.

As it turns out what we have here is two Liberals fighting each other.

A happy ending indeed although not as happy as February coming to an end as I cannot listen to anymore bigoted pandering lies of how Jay-Z and Lebron built America.

To all Americans:

You cannot “save” these people.

They will continue to vote for insanity and oppression.

Stop trying and move forward leaving them behind to fix their own issues or perish from their own decisions.

Stand back, disengage from their diseased souls and prepare to protect yourselves at any and all levels.

Our time will come, we will stand and then as the saying goes “Let God sort em out”.

Jason Kraus



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Kyiv — In a dramatic escalation of East-West tensions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian nuclear deterrent forces put on high alert Sunday in response to what he called “aggressive statements” by leading NATO powers. The move means Putin has ordered Russia’s nuclear weapons prepared for […]

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