Whether we refer to it as the eyeball test or Malcolm Gladwell’s theory covered in his book Blink (our brain gives us all the info we need in most situations in the blink of an eye) the message is the same. Listen to what your body tells you. Too many […]
Republican Party
Love One Another
Eckhart Tolle once wrote about the process of “presence” or “being”. William Shakespeare spoke about this as well, long ago, in the ever famous line, “to be or not to be that is the question.” I believe the concept of “being” is the positive evolution of the animal known as […]
“Is Barack Obama a muslim?”
Come on already. It’s an easy question to answer. “Is Barack Obama a muslim?” When you watch Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the muslim issue is brought up it is very clear by their body language where they stand. They believe Obama is a muslim. They aren’t alone. My […]
Let’s understand how this really works shall we. The Republican Party doesn’t answer to you, me, or the United States Constitution. They answer to their donors. Reince Priebus and his cohorts only exist because they continue to receive money from, presumably, Americans. Let’s fast forward and for sake of this […]
Step into the fray
Most humans will inherently do the right thing…or at a minimum won’t do the wrong thing. This isn’t a Pollyannic view or a glass is half full mentality. It’s how most of us are. Otherwise nothing would ever be accomplished. Most crime (aside from drug usage) happens in short bursts. […]
Housing by Color of our skin
With Barack Obama readily admitting there is no plan for ISIS, or ISIL, Sunni or Shiite Islam, while sending more American troops to Iraq, the “Do Nothing Congress” (as maligned by uninformed progressives. This Congress has approved Obama’s more than doubling of the debt) actually stopped (for the time being) […]
The Pen is powerful when backed by the Sword.
While America focused on how much air should be in an NFL football and Kanye West being bleeped off stage at the Billboard Awards, the Republican Party joined with Barack Obama to cost America more jobs through more “free trade” (Trans Pacific Partnership) with countries who continue to oppress their […]