“Is Barack Obama a muslim?”

jason kraus

Come on already.  It’s an easy question to answer.

“Is Barack Obama a muslim?”

When you watch Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the muslim issue is brought up it is very clear by their body language where they stand.

They believe Obama is a muslim.

They aren’t alone.

My guess is at least half the country, over their kitchen tables and work water coolers, think so too.

But they are struggling because they are still caught up in the PC world.

Trump is now saying it isn’t his responsibility to defend Obama (he’s right but what an interesting choice of words) and Carson is now explaining Sharia rather than answering the question and finally getting to the root of the matter.

Let me help them:

“Mr. Kraus do you think Barack Obama is a muslim?”

“It is a fact Barack Obama supports Islam.  He has said so many times in many different ways.  It’s on video and in his books. His father whom he cherishes was a muslim.  He once said the Islamic call to prayer was ‘one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.’  Only Barack Obama knows whether he drops down five times a day and faces Mecca but with all that said…HE BETTER NOT BE.”

“What do you mean he better not be?”

“Because if he is he has been lying to us for almost seven years by telling us he is a Christian.  More importantly if he is a muslim then he is the ultimate fraud and America is under attack.  So I will say it again…HE BETTER NOT BE.”

Simple and to the point.  I give Carson a pass because he is still figuring out how to communicate but Trump…come on now Donald this is what you do!

Scorched Earth!

You should have been waiting for this opportunity and then leveled everything you had at Obama.

Whether Americans will say this next statement out loud is irrelevant…at least half of America believes Obama is a closet muslim (taqiya), most will proclaim or admit (factually) that he cherishes Islam, and the entire country, including his supporters, know that he lies.

“Smidgen of corruption”

“Heard about events on television like everyone else”

“Benghazi was about a video”

“Obamacare will save us all money”

“ISIL is the J.V. team”

“Syria is my red line”

“islam is woven into the fabric of our country”

and on and on and on.

I’d cover some of his economic calamities in depth (47 million Americans on food stamps, almost 19 trillion in debt, roughly 100 million of age Americans not in the labor force, criminal suppression of interest rates) but I don’t believe he understands economics in any way shape or form as is shown with his keeping Ben Bernanke, anointing Janet Yellin, and “listening” to Paul Krugman.

None of whom have any understanding of human behavior.

I digress.

The next question is easy.

“Mr. Kraus do you believe Barack Obama is an United States citizen?”

This answer is even easier.

“HE BETTER BE.  When all this mess is unfolded and his college transcripts are unsealed Barack Obama and members of the DNC better hope he is…otherwise there won’t be a corner of the Earth safe for them.”

“What are you saying Mr. Kraus?”

“What part didn’t you understand?  If Barack Obama isn’t a citizen then he is an enemy of the State sitting in the most powerful position in the world.  If it is uncovered that he was a foreign exchange student he and his cohorts, muslim or not, will be tried, found guilty of treason, and executed.

Just like any traitor would be.

So for his sake he damn well BETTER BE an American citizen.”

Question asked and answered concisely and to the letter of the law with facts and TRUTH.

This one is a freebie Donald.

You’re welcome.

Try not to butcher it by telling us how great you are at the same time…and Donald…just try and hang in there.

There’s a pride of Lions and a Falcon arriving soon to send you back to television…or didn’t you hear?

Rosie is back on the View.

America First.

American Only.

Shoulder to Shoulder.

One voice at a time.

Jason Kraus

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