The Pen is powerful when backed by the Sword.

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While America focused on how much air should be in an NFL football and Kanye West being bleeped off stage at the Billboard Awards, the Republican Party joined with Barack Obama to cost America more jobs through more “free trade” (Trans Pacific Partnership) with countries who continue to oppress their people.  Some uninformed souls will proclaim this agreement is good for America (it isn’t).

At this point Obama could state an apple a day will keep the doctor away and I would immediately stop eating apples.  The man is corrupt, way in over his head, and/or completely jinxed.  My guess is by the time Barack’s rule is over the word Obama will be synonymous with Benedict…as in Arnold.

While all this was happening our debt grew and grew and grew.

More humans entered America illegally.

Women and children were sold through our border and the sex rings (see slavery) existing in America dug their heels in deeper.

Just another day of Democracy.

The reason I continue to point these things out is because they are THE important issues that are crushing America and ripping freedom directly from us.

What’s that?  You don’t agree?

You will when you don’t have a job because someone here illegally is willing to do it for half the wage while collecting food stamps, welfare, social security, free medical care, and free education for their children.

You don’t want to pick fruit, lay drywall, or mow lawns?

It’s certainly better than starving to death but okay let’s try the next one.


You don’t care because it doesn’t affect you?

If you are on any government program (social security, medicare, medicaid, Obama doesn’t Care, unemployment, welfare, food stamps, disability, etc.) the debt is going to swallow you like a whale…and you won’t be as fortunate as Jonah.

Still not impressed?  You’re more of a YOLO (you only live once), Sixties, tune in, turn on, drop out kind of person?

Fair enough.  Let me ask you this then.  Do you have any women or children that you care about?

Yes?  Okay good.  I am sure you wouldn’t want anything to happen to them, for example, being snatched off the streets by gangs like ms-13 and sold through our open border to whomever has enough money where they are drugged and raped over and over again until they die.

So now I have your attention.

It takes a horrendous act happening to someone you care about for you to get involved.  To speak your mind?  To proclaim to the world that all of these things are WRONG!!!

What’s that?  I didn’t hear you…you’ll have to speak up pumpkin.

You don’t want to be called a racist or a bigot?

Who does?

Besides…are you?


Well then…who cares what “other” people say?

Many years ago a “friend” approached me and stated “can I give you some constructive criticism?”

First, there is nothing constructive about criticism.

Feedback can be given, teaching can take place, coaching is always a positive.  But there is nothing constructive about criticism…especially if you aren’t asking for help.  This is referred to as projection and has nothing to do with you.

Obama acolytes and Eeyore ingenues love “constructive criticism”.

It has everything to do with the criticizer trying to fulfill their own needs.  I answered very easily and with a smile.

“No thanks.”

The look on my “friend’s” face was instantaneous pain.  He had something he needed to expunge from his being and onto someone else.  The pain had to be released.  He was so shocked that I wouldn’t allow him to abuse me with his faux concern that he started to shake and then began blurting out his “construction” at me.

Now for those of you who know me personally, have read Late Bird, or enough of my columns you know I hate two things.

Bullies and being told what to do.

This “friend” of mine was now doing both.

I also am not much of a user of profanity.

There are so many wonderful words in so many languages available it seems to me that I am cheating  myself, taking a short cut if you will, to use profanity.

Besides, I just wasn’t raised that way.  My parents taught me to use language to my benefit not detraction or distraction.

I also learned very early “talking” (profanity or not) wasn’t going to provide a solution to every problem.

The “pen” is powerful, if and only if, it is backed by the “sword”.


In times of stress or anger I have been known to divest myself of the King’s English and use language commonly found in Queens.

This was one of those times.

As the constructive criticizer attempted to get their needs met at my expense I rattled off a quick, “hey what the f%*k did I just tell you?  I don’t want to hear your s*%t.”

I know, I know.  I am not proud of the verbiage.

It’s why I always try to channel my inner Richard Pryor these days when grace and subtlety are misunderstood for weakness.

My go to line is “have a Coke and a smile”.

Now I must admit there have been times when I’ve had to explain what Richard was saying and for those of you who  didn’t enjoy the comedy of Mr. Pryor the inherent intent of his comment was communicated in a five word gloriously constructed sentence that is very  clear…and was used by me when my friend didn’t take my first cue.  It went something like this:

“I just wanted to tell you what you were doing wrong…”

My answer:

“As I told you before I’m not interested now have a Coke and smile…and shut the f&*k up! (five words)

We are now at a place in America where we can no longer take hits from politicians on the “progressive left” or the absurdity coming from self-righteous politicians masquerading as Republicans.

It’s time for all of them to have that Coke (as in Coca Cola, Barack…not cocaine) and that smile.

The Democratic “Leadership” is flexible with Communism (an oppressive belief system that has killed tens of millions of humans), calls Hamas a Humanitarian Organization (a terrorist group that wants to kill all Americans and Jews), actively supports Shiite Muslims in Iran that believe in Sharia Law while feigning to not support Sunni Muslims while ISIS captures Ramadi, literally cutting the heads off of “infidels or apostates” (just in case you weren’t clear…we are the infidels).

As an answer to this we have a sitting Senator proclaim he must run for President because the “world is about to literally blow up”.

Excellent sentence structure Senator.  Just excellent.

This sounds more like Lindsay Lohan than Lindsey Graham.

But of course the ridiculousness doesn’t stop there.

Boomeritis has struck again giving us a man who stated “if these folks want to return to a 7th Century version of Islam, then let’s load up our bombers and bomb them back to the 7th Century.”

This individual, who also wants to be President, throws around killing humans as a sound bite.

Kind of like Obama…and his red line.

This isn’t leadership, besides, as I have written many times, when dealing with evil NO WARNING should ever be given.

This brave soul isn’t even willing to put himself on the line.

No no.

Rick Santorum wants to put the lives of our best and bravest in harms way.

After Obama’s reign of bloviation is finally concluded some horrible things may end up taking place to restore order on the planet.

But only an egotistical maniacal fool would announce it for the world to hear and be forewarned.

But we should expect this…the man is an attorney.

Yet as the clown car of Republican choices for President fills, the Democrats continue to offer only one option.

A woman who lies at every turn about everything.

A woman who covers for her predator husband who preys on other women.

A woman who belongs to a party that is waging a war on other women by supporting Sharia Law.

What’s that?

What difference does it make?

“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”  Robert Frost

Let us forge into and onto new territory America!  Let us not “sigh” eighteen months from now as we stumble down the same road.  It is time to embrace the lineage in each one of us!  The blood coursing through our veins that screams freedom, trumpets courage, and requires truth!

The less traveled road is but up ahead…

It is time to make all the difference.

It is time to stand and fight with the tools and gifts granted to each one of you.  Bring your passions to muster and embrace your birthright given to you by generations of strength…decades of brilliance…and centuries of promise.

There is no fork.  The choice has been made.  The gauntlet thrown.

It is time to Stand and Deliver!

It is your time to be an Army of one and that Army shall stand…

Shoulder to Shoulder.

Let the scribes paint the story to the next of America’s generations that in this day, this time, America reclaimed truth and restored her people in all her glory…one voice at a time.

Let your voice ROAR!!!

What others may call you is irrelevant to your calling…the Calling of Freedom.

The Calling of the American.

“Where there is one American there are many” and on this weekend of Memorial it is time to embrace our duty and step into the void as so many American Heroes are currently and have in the past.

Gather your many brothers and sisters.

You are being called.

Right here.

Right now.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus available on Amazon, Kindle, Ibooks, and Nook.

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

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Yes Liberals...Institutional Racism does exist.

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