Larry, Moe, and Curly

jason kraus

Lie to me once, shame on you.
Lie to me twice, I’m an idiot for ever asking you a second question.

After you’ve lied to me once you’ve lost all credibility with me. It doesn’t matter what you say after that. You’ve  become irrelevant.

Not everyone is with me yet?

Okay…cheat on me once, shame on you.
Cheat on me twice…never going to happen.

You’re with me now aren’t you:)

The White House and many others proclaim “climate change” will be the end of man. It’s a bigger threat than ISIS.

I guess that would make climate change the “varsity”.

Let’s pause for just a second about climate change and turn our gaze to those who are telling us such things.

Barack Obama starts if off. (Seems fair. If you are going to lie start at the top). Josh Earnest (what an unbelievable last name for a man who lies for a living.) repeats Obama’s statement and then turns it over to Brian Williams (NBC) who reports it on the nightly news.

Now that’s the trifecta! What are the odds I am going to believe anything coming from this group? For any savvy bettor out there you know Vegas would never put odds on this. Even Obama supporters wouldn’t take that action.

No one with a pulse actually believes anything these individuals tell us anymore. They could tell us water was wet and we’d just laugh at them knowing full well water is wet.

It doesn’t matter.

It’s why Williams is gone for the next six months, Earnest (like Jay Carney) will be gone eventually, and Obama may find himself worrying about a lot more than his “legacy” after he leaves office.

I’ve used these statements to lead us to our current topic.

Climate change does exist.

In fact it’s been around since…well…the creation of the Earth.

The Earth and everything on it is basically a collection of gasses. It’s why, with enough heat or pressure, the molecular structure of animate or inanimate objects will separate and revert back to one of many gasses. Okay enough about science and please, for the love of my sanity, do not send me thousands of links and notes about gas, molecules, or my explanation. My point is a simple one.

The climate is always changing. It always will. To have the audacity to believe we “control” the climate is absurd, impossible to prove, and most importantly, puts whomever is saying these things on the same level with the Earth.

Or in other terms…with God.

Good luck with that one.

The neuroses of these people is staggering. It shouldn’t be too much longer before we will control the Moon as well as the Oceans. Of course we control the Oceans (even though we can’t breathe in them longer than a few minutes). We control everything because…well because Barack said so…Josh repeated it…and Brian reported.

Larry, Moe, and Curly.

When does the circus leave town?

Now for all you “climatologists” and pseudo- intellectuals who are frothing at the mouth reading this, struggling to control your anticipation while thinking of wonderful little one liners to zing me with because you are so smart…take a deep breath.

Trust me when I say this…you aren’t smarter than moi:) (en Francais:)

I say this with humility and a big smile. How do I know this?

Because I know I am not in control of the Earth and anyone who thinks they are is clinically insane.

But it goes beyond this.

There are things we know, things we don’t know, and things we know we don’t know (this is the only thing I’ve ever heard Donald Rumsfeld say that I actually believe).

I know I don’t know what will happen after my time here is over. I do know I will be returning to Mother Earth…and so will you.

So embrace, enjoy, and smell the beautiful flowers that are all around. If you really want to worry about something you do have control over then I have just the two things for you.

Debt $18,000,000,000,000 and growing.

Border Security. Women and children were sold through there today.

To truly sum this up though Climate worriers, if you want to deliver a message to the rest of us I’d suggest God size prayers.

Because it’s going to take divine intervention to get us to believe anything coming from Larry, Moe, and Curly ever again.

Even that may not be enough.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird”

Restoring America one voice at a time.

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