For an American such as myself there seems to be a never ending stream of items to discuss.
The RONA allegedly resurfaced but only in areas where “protests” weren’t taking place.
Maybe those people are sick enough.
According to reports most cell phones now have a COVID 19 tracker.
The key word here is TRACKER.
It’s getting interesting to say the least.
The mask wearing started again but only for those who are either too stupid or too scared to accept the fact that they are cutting the amount of oxygen that their bodies need to survive.
I was in a store where an overweight man, pushing a cart full of death, was wheezing under his veil.
I almost stopped and told him to remove his affectation but what’s the point.
Libs need consequences for their actions besides I don’t do free therapy anymore.
For those of you who’ve been with me for a while you know I was very clear and even did videos on “mask wearing.”
Anyone wearing a cover-up is inhibiting the amount of oxygen one needs and at the same time making your heart work harder to get said oxygen. When this occurs you of course take deeper breaths which INCREASES the chance that you will inhale material, fibers and yes viruses.
Wearing a mask is not only psychosomatic, it is harmful to your health.
It took the medical community a while to get beyond their fear of being ostracized but there are now PLENTY of Doctors who will tell you EXACTLY what I stated months ago.
Stop wearing the masks where you can.
I know many have employers or customers who are requiring this.
We all have choices to make.
Do the best you can in the situation you are in and get that mask off as fast as possible.
With all that this week ended up being a throw back to an old Alan Jackson song “The whole world’s gone country” as a college running back in Oklahoma called out his coach for watching One America News.
The coach proceeded to apologize for everything except wearing a mullet.
Come on Billy Ray Cyrus.
Now there’s a man who has a lot to apologize for.
Lady Antebellum made the melodramatic choice to change their name to Lady A after the dolts, who’ve made millions under this moniker, were told that Antebellum was attached to slavery.
That’s a bit of a stretch, but if they are truly serious they need to give up all of their money, bow down to Farrakhan, proclaim that White People are the Devil and go give free concerts in Minneapolis without security.
In for a penny in for a pound Lady Autonomous.
Let’s see how long you last in the “Zone”.
As if that wasn’t “country” enough, the just returned Dixie Chicks, decided that Dixie was “racist” and had to go.
They are now the Chicks.
How Liberally misogynistic of them.
I’m sure the “rapper” Huey is quite pleased . . . oh wait . . . he was Popped, Locked and Dropped but that’s okay because whoever shot him wasn’t carrying a Confederate Flag, Law Enforcement or White.
Don’t you just love it when Country and C RAP crossover.
The new Country where instead of losing your wife, house, car and dog you lose yo bitch, yo crib, yo ride and Michael Vick.
Nascar decided to show its “Wokeness” in its support of a Bubba who was triggered by a rope tied to a garage door.
One could only imagine if Whiny Wallace ever walked into a Strings.
Never mind the rope had been there for at least a year and hundreds if not thousands of people had passed by without an issue.
Ol Black Lives Matter Bubba “raced” to CNN where he found a safe space in the squeeze of Don Lemon.
The same arms that embraced his brother Jussie not too long ago.
If that wasn’t enough the Liberal Karen’s and Casper’s, the unfriendliest ghosts you know, ran to their computers and ferociously called for the beating, rape and murder of the phantom lone knot weaver who apparently stalked Chubba Bubba and left a calling card twelve months in advance of a man who only makes left turns, and according to his record, does so quite poorly.
Not sure how one would do this but the clairvoyance of this fictional character, to know exactly which garage would be cry baby Bubba’s, is damn impressive and if we can find this twine winder I’d like to ask when we will finally get some prosecutions of the many criminals in today’s Washington D. C.
Oh Jason, we all know the answer to that.
While Juicy’s Nigerian cohorts in Chicago were reportedly going to turn on him Ol Hubba Bubba the Hamas Supporter started to feel the heat as the White Liberal Guilt that had rushed to his defense (Richard The Dick Petty) was now licking its wounds around the Klan table muttering about being “Jussied” again.
Liberals are either the stupidest form of sub-human on the planet or they have the worst luck.
They so badly want to genuflect for the “oppressed black man” to cleanse their guilt ridden souls of the pampering, the privilege, the trophies and free toilets for all business men in Philly who have neither a business or clients, but cannot seem to find an actual BLACK MAN to extol who hasn’t lied, cheated, robbed or killed someone.
Yes looking at you OJ or as another hero/creation of Affirmative Action once asked, “Can’t we all just get along?”
We sure can Rodney, as soon as you stop racing down the freeway at three digits high on crack.
Fortunately for all of us Mr. King was joined by Can’t Breathe George, ensuring at a minimum, the greater safety for pregnant women and their babies.
Something Progressives kill every day.
Come on already dumb White Libs.
If you truly “love the Black Man” with your best Jerry Maguire voice, and hated Donald Trump, you could have delivered my first choice as a Presidential candidate.
All you had to do was change your affiliation to Republican and then vote properly.
Had you done so and then repeated that process in the General a man named Dr. Benjamin Carson would now be President.
Alas, you couldn’t do that!
Dr. Carson, a Neurosurgeon, isn’t your kind of Black now is he.
He’s humble, successful, articulate and wise.
You White Libs can’t have a Black man with those qualities.
In fact you have a name for these Individuals.
You call them DAN’s and TOM’s.
I know AMERICANS around the country reading this now are asking what is a DAN but you White Liberals know because it was you who came up with the term.
Biden called Obama “clean” and you White Libs thought that was funny.
Obama gave a eulogy for a Klan member and all you white Libs snickered about keeping the “boy in his place.”
Now the “DAN’s” as you call them are turning on you as you race to kiss their feet, call traitors heroes, and shine their shoes.
Get off your knees Chik-fil-a and to all you wanna be Alpha Males out there, looking at you Bret Pill Popping, Alcoholic, philandering FAVRRRREEEE and no Mary still doesn’t want you.
If any human drops to a Nike Layoffs knee Kaepernick style, and tries to shine your shoes, be an actual MAN and stand them up.
Look them in the eye, tell them they are free, live in the greatest country in the history of Man and to never bow or scrape.
Otherwise all who willingly take advantage of those on their knees will be forced to join them as the traitors they are to Freedom, to America, to simple human decency.
Keep wearing those Antifa hoods and Black Lives Matter masks Liberals.
They’ll make great targets after you’ve defunded all the cops.
Jason Kraus