Don’t Marry a Woman Who Sleeps With Other Men

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Criminal foreign nationals are still killing Americans, Liberals are still killing and selling baby parts (Looking at you Ralph Northam) and fentanyl is still killing coke addicts but none of that could compete with the bitch slap heard around the world.

Yes, it is safe to say I don’t watch the “award” shows but today’s technology is a powerful thing that plasters the internet, radio and television never mind the unwanted “announcements” that forever attack our phones.

Apparently an anti-American, Black Lives Matter, Biden voting bigot became upset when another anti-American, Black Lives Matter, Biden voting bigot made a joke about his “wife”.

His wife who reportedly sleeps around and makes him watch.

There’s a plethora of jokes to be made here but in all reality. . .I just don’t care.

My only thought as I watched the video that the internet forced into my life was this.

Will WannaBeTupac Smith walked up on Chris I’ve smoked too many Rock’s and smacked him pretty good.

Smith is larger than Rock and caught him completely by surprise yet Rock’s little body didn’t move an inch.

Not a millimeter.

The skinny little meth head took the slap and then made another joke while Jada’s wife tried to be hard as he screamed profanity through a trembled lip.

Kanye’s “attack” on Taylor Swift had more “street cred”.

The night continued and Smith was later given an award as the crowd cheered.


The overwhelmingly white Liberal echo chamber embracing black on black violence.

The next day the media reached out to a wide variety of “African”  bigots for their response which included Sharia supporting Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and black glove activist/enthusiast O. J. Simpson.

One Liberal was so angered/triggered they blamed the entire “bitch slaps other bitch” episode on white supremacy and every time I hear Caucasian persuasion I think of Jussey Smollett and with that came the epiphany of all epiphanies.

Jada Pinkett has spent lots of time in the confines of marriage talking about sleeping with other men.

This of course is due to racism by the white man which in turn caused Jussey Smollett to hire two black cohorts, go to Subway and hang rope around his own neck.

Those actions caused Joe Biden to sign the No Lynching Act (to keep Jussey from killing himself) which then forced a bitch to slap Chris Rock.

This slap caused the Ruble to slightly increase, Bruce Arians (probably a Nazi, I mean it’s basically his name) to quit, and more diverse intelligence to verbally occur as Wanda Sykes said the smack “was sickening”.

Wanda sounds like Ketanji/Jumanji.

Pay attention ladies or whatever your gender is today.

I was sickened or It is sickening.

All of this is known as the Butterfly Effect and while the flies circle their own feces, criminal foreign nationals are still killing Americans, Liberals are still killing and selling baby body parts (Looking again at you Ralph Northam) and fentanyl is still killing coke addicts.

The moral of the story?

Look out Nascar.

The Noose is Loose or. . .

Don’t marry a woman who sleeps with other men.

Jason Kraus

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