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Another week of As the Liberals Govern brought to you by Valbenazine because it won’t be too much longer before everyones hands begin to shake.

My premise these last fews weeks was the idea that Brandon would continue to try and talk Russia into the invasion of  Ukraine, again, (thanks Obama) because he owes Putin, and to take away attention from his horrible job performance.

Akin to Wagging the Dog.

I was wrong.

It appears all the Russian nonsense has to do with one Hillary Rodham Clinton who is now feeling the heat because John Durham filed a report, with absolutely zero new information, as we knew all of this years ago.

Without a doubt the Clinton/Biden/Obama team spied on Donald Trump, framed him (quite poorly I might add) and then tried to cover it up.

There’s books written about this but unless it happens on tik tok the world cannot be bothered as billions are too busy chicken dancing or shakin’ that thang.

Freud was right, on so many levels.

Why Trump didn’t do ANYTHING, except tweet about this while in power, is only known to him.

I have my thoughts but we shall have to wait and see how this particular cookie crumbles.

The markets are gyrating to the Progressive tune known as white man bad, and beyond Hitler if they haven’t been jabbed, as Tiny Trudeau deemed a Canadian Jew and all truckers.

The same truckers who deliver EVERYTHING that keep Canadians alive.

Chinese masks were given to all who entered the Super Bowl and yet reportedly were worn by no one, except the children, who went to school the next day.

I’ve said many times those that continue to vote for Democrats are evil but we are beyond that.

Anyone who still votes for a Dem is a witless, vacuous, moronic, imbecilic Dolly Parton boob.

Mr. Smith’s Invisible Hand has run aground on an island of misfit communist toys as their leaders boldly state in “ten years” the “black and brown” will run this country while Brandon tells the blacks the browns hate them and the “black” continue to attack the “asians” at least according to CNN.

Is that because as Springsteen crooned they are “yellow”.

Ahh the ever continuous bigotry of the Left.

One day I’m sure we will hear about a white Latino attacking a white Hispanic.

I’m still waiting to see an African-German or an Asian-Swede, a unicorn sighting indeed, quite unlike the Weinstein, Epstein, Feinstein, Clinton klan who continue to traffic and rape while the WOMAN goes to prison.

Where are you POUNDMETOO crew?

My guess is Ghislaine is simply thrilled she hasn’t yet broken her own neck.

I’m sure one day right along with the actual arrival of aliens and the release of the Kennedy files we will read Ms. Maxwell’s own account of all the men who breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Jeffrey Epstein still didn’t kill himself.

Maybe John Durham will do the reporting and repeat his Oscar winning performance of Play it again Sam, then again it might be Brian Dodging Bullets Williams as I’m sure his AOC PTSD will have calmed.

Jason, can you point out one thing this week the Democrats did well?


They made Kamala Criminal Harris completely disappear.

Jason Kraus

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