jason kraus

A friend of mine asked me recently about all the problems in California. I told him all of these things would stop…eventually. “When?” was his question. “When will they fix the roads? When will they stop cutting down all the trees and creating slums known as affordable housing?” “When will […]

Hush Now Liberals, Don’t Say a Word

jason kraus

In celebration of Father’s Day I would like to take this moment to thank my Father for not only being a great Dad but a wonderful person. Thanks Dad. I love you. I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention our Founding Fathers. Without the likes of Washington, Jefferson, […]

AOC Pushing for Magic Mushroom Research

jason kraus

by Daveda Gruber: On Friday Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., filed legislation to make it easier and possibly legal for researchers to study the therapeutic and medical benefits of psychedelic drugs. The drugs would include “magic mushrooms” in the study. An appropriations bill, as far as Ocasio-Cortez is concerned, needs the […]

Hang em High

jason kraus

As Americans and freedom loving humans across the world memorialized D-Day, Progressives joined in with the understanding that the D stood for Diversity and that A, B, and C deserved their day as well, never mind LBGT and Q. So many consonants, so little sense. It goes without saying it […]

It’s True Because I Say it is

jason kraus

This week while Robert Mueller stammered through a cowardly press conference, President Trump, among other things, slapped tariffs on Mexico. It’s been a long time coming. I am hoping he increases them to a point that Mexico will stop the invasion of these United States. This of course brought out […]

Will the Deep State be Exposed?

jason kraus

by Daveda Gruber: On Friday President Trump made a bold move as he vowed to uncover the origins of the Russia investigation. Trump’s confidence has led him to approve the declassification of documents that are related to the surveillance of his campaign during the 2016 presidential election. Trump is now […]

In God We Trust

jason kraus

The question has been bandied about many times over. If you could talk to anyone, living or dead, who would you choose? A large group will select those who were famous for being intelligent, such as Albert Einstein. Others will prefer humans who were famous for different “attributes,” like Norma […]