As the world turns or burns depending on your personal view and/or geographic location I am reminded of the saying If you have your health you have everything, without it you have nothing. Each day brings its own challenges as my body works hard to remove cobalt and chromium from […]
FAN Editor
Another Day Another Government Created Dollar
I had hoped to write about the ridiculousness known as Raising the debt ceiling, should be Razing the debt ceiling, but this week had its ups and downs and alas it didn’t get done. The healing process from surgery, and the excretion from my body of toxic metals, from the […]
I am hopeful my current situation is improving, albeit slowly, and as such should provide an update soon that will shed light on many things sadly happening in today’s world. Until then I again present a column from the past that unfortunately is as relevant today as it was when […]
Is When I Carried You
The Lord replied, “The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, Is when I carried you.” Have a great Sunday, God bless, Jason A VIRUS AMONG US The true virus flowing through the United States right now isn’t named Corona. It isn’t Tecate, Coors, or Bud Light […]
Over and Over
This week brought its own challenges and due to those challenges I will continue to pull columns from the past that are sadly even more appropriate to report today. God bless, Jason THOSE THAT NEED TO ASK DON’T NEED TO BE ANSWERED Crazy never seems to take a day off […]
Two Ways to Conquer and Enslave, Sword and Debt
This was written and published eight years ago right here by your’s truly as the debt ceiling “debate” strikes again. Wheels on the bus go round and round. ABOLISH INCOME TAX If used properly Facebook and the internet can be powerful positive forces. In my last post I requested my […]
Free Will: The Choice Between Freedom and Oppression
I hope all are having a wonderful Sunday. I am closer to a positive conclusion and as this occurs will share the journey. In the meantime I felt this column is beyond pertinent as too many have no idea how America arrived on the scene and how important the structure […]
Knowledge Must Be Gathered
Last week I mentioned I may be using past columns as I move through some things. I appreciate all the wonderful thoughts and wishes and will give a more in depth explanation of events hopefully in the next month with much better news. In the meantime I hope you enjoy […]
Here I Am
To give an entire background on this next column would take multiple autobiographical books and that is not happening today. Those who’ve read Late Bird, been with me for a while and/or believe in the grace of God and the greatness of America, this story is for you. Due to […]
Let’s Try Again
I’ve come to the point, at least this week, that I cannot find any subject matter important enough on which to opine. It’s the same ol world, same ol problems and without something to stimulate my brain it would be a disappointment, at least to me, to attempt to feign […]